Forum › Posts by Kiana

joined Jul 9, 2020

Did they just start dating?

The secret meeting already feels kind of like a date

And that "teasing" with the parfait spoon was absolutely flirting with the barest hint of plausible deniability.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Ah, the Helltaker approach to Cerberus. I was worried until the last panel... >.>

joined Jul 9, 2020

This was really cute

Agreed. I d'awwed out loud.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Wonder what the implication of nicknaming her "canary" is. The only reference I can think of is the phrase "canary in the coal mine," which doesn't seem applicable. So why is she that bird over any other songbird that might be kept in a cage?

Canaries are also songbirds that are commonly kept as pets. And "songbird" is a pet name for a pretty girl with a nice voice that I've heard used in multiple places.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Narita, my dude, wtf are you doing in the middle seat?

Getting between yuri. He's lucky to be alive!

joined Jul 9, 2020

Something strange, in the neighborhood. Who you gonna call? Marriage planner!

joined Jul 9, 2020

Oh no, she's discovered the power of cat(girls) and being easily forgiven. There's no stopping her now.

joined Jul 9, 2020

why mung bean soup?

Mung beans have relatively high nutritional value. And are apparently relatively cheap as well (though a cursory search tells me they actually suffer a high crop yield loss, mostly due to pests and disease).

So she's being frugal while still providing for the servants. (Instead of, as I expect the kitten killer would opt for, starving the help. Because she's blatantly evil.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

I wonder how the school reacts to that shouted reassurance.

[off-panel crowd]: "WE SHIP IT!"

joined Jul 9, 2020

I feel like granny is a monster hunter. Hijinks could ensue.

"Gram, please don't kill my horrifying waifu! I love her!"
"But how else am I going to get new gear?"

joined Jul 9, 2020

Sorry! My grandma's a bit unusual...

Do not apologize for excellence.

morning discussion 25 Apr 13:57
joined Jul 9, 2020

Cute, but I just can't accept this. Peri x Lapis or bust.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Why the sudden appearance of a new admirer character when we know Nagisa and Mashiro will never break up?

You know Superman is going to defeat Mxyzptlk, but the story of how can still be fun.

joined Jul 9, 2020

I understand the sentiment, but I think crawling back to whatever hole she came from is a bit mean. I would argue she should find a different girl to crush on. And then flirt with. And then date.

So long as it doesn't cause yet another love triangle. (Unless she heads off to find herself a polycule.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

If I made a drinking game out of every time someone said "death flag" in regards to this manga, my liver wouldn't be my only decent organ anymore. I do not understand.

joined Jul 9, 2020

This new chapter was super cute, but then, suddenly... An underclassmen appears! I really want Nagisa to nip this confrontation in the bud and say "don't talk to my girlfriend that way"

And if words fail, backbreaker shall prevail.

...Though that may be my recent Guilty Gear binge talking. Few problems can't be solved by sufficient application of Potemkin Buster.

joined Jul 9, 2020

That wouldn't be a SECRET skill though. I'm certainly hoping she's secretly a major kick-ass fighter, it would go weirdly perfectly with her cute inoffensive looks and bearing.

There are two types of characters you should never underestimate. One is the old person in a profession where one statistically dies young. The other is the seemingly oblivious and sweet person that has survived being surrounded by scheming manipulators.

...Also feels like somebody should make a quip about endurance and finger strength here, but eh.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Super cute, but I'm distracted by the phone glitching out. :<

joined Jul 9, 2020

I have never heard this line before.

Me either. Is it some kind of cultural idiom that I've just never seen directly translated? Would love to see translator notes.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Reject arbitrary gender norms. Oppose pointless societal restrictions. Embrace your true self.

Your true self is valid. (And cute.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

It's really kinda crap that THE relationship that has been built throughout the whole manga, Satsuki and Akira, just does not get any showing not just at the very end but for the last 5 chapters.

I wasn't expecting a confession but there really should've been some sort of acknowledgement to just how valuable that relationship has been to Satsuki.

Instead we get all the focus put on Komachi for 5 chapters, who's presence has been more of a background thing for much of the manga, and an end entirely focused on her.

It's a real shame.

You have my sympathy.

On the bright side, I feel validated for dropping the manga dozens of chapters ago. (Checked back solely because I saw the [End] and wanted to know if I should give it a second chance.)

Not that I'm saying anyone shouldn't like the manga; if you like it, glad you enjoyed it. Just saying I'd have been one of the disappointed readers, too, had I stuck it out the end.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Gap moe, gap moe, gap moe~

joined Jul 9, 2020

Who doesn't want a chuuni daughter? Or for their asshole coworkers to get clocked consequence free?
Edit: Clarity. I do not wish for a chuuni daughter to get clocked.

last edited at Apr 15, 2024 9:07PM

joined Jul 9, 2020

I was expecting water bottle sharing for an indirect kiss doki-doki moment... Actually kinda happy it didn't go the most obvious route, as this way everyone gets to demonstrate that they're good people that care about her.

(Next time, though...)

joined Jul 9, 2020

Now that the secret is out she has no excuse to not wear her full gear when they hang out together. They will feel the full force of her awesomeness!

Do you want a harem route? Because that's how you get a harem route...