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Flavorful discussion 14 Mar 03:27
joined Oct 19, 2022

This Manhua already ended.

how many chapters does it have? does it have a satisfying ending at least?

The only source I could find lists it as "1 volume out, ongoing" so... go figure. ?_?

joined Oct 19, 2022

For Xingyuan it really is just "Can I not listen to this" can this be over, can you stop talking to me (about this).

Also, can you get the hell out of my life and never return? So that I don't have to remember your betrayal every time I look at you? Pretty please?

“Why do you kids believe every bit of nonsense that comes out of Mu Xiaoen's mouth,” is another great line.

It's a line adressed to the readers. I suspect it's not only people in this forum who complained that ch49 was too didactic and heavy-handed in hammering home a takeaway message. Chinese readers must have grumbled too.

I think Tracy Hu is telling the readers: “What message? R U dumb? Don't take as a message any bs that comes out of Xiaoen's ass!”

joined Oct 19, 2022

Die Tsukushi die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die

joined Oct 19, 2022

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...

I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.

Only when there isn't a love triangle. In that case, they always lose.

Saori from Yuricam is laughing at you so hard right now...

joined Oct 19, 2022

Also, I'd note that she's not in immediate physical danger because Koto is willing to take her in. But she's one bad fight (or two, if Erika could step up) away from being homeless. She has no money, she has difficulty getting a job because she "dropped out" of middle school.

Enter Kumagaya to the rescue.
Which is, I believe, why so many have been saying she's good for Aya.

joined Oct 19, 2022

I'm thoroughly confused. Why did Honami turn into an ectoplasm monster?

joined Oct 19, 2022

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

What are you talking about? Of there is another choice. She can finish her education. They live in Japan not some civil war torn country.

It's called an analogy. Look it up.
In the dictionary.
If you don't know how, I give up.

last edited at Feb 14, 2024 6:01PM

joined Oct 19, 2022

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...

I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Interesting. I've seen two different versions of the opening page and the translators, it seems, didn't understand the text in the same way.

This version goes:

"She's my ex-coworker and a married woman."
"And she's running from her family troubles."
"Other than that, I don't know a single thing about her."
And then Gotou comments to that: "Well... you never asked, did you?"
Making a point that communication is important and that the mc needs to ask the questions she has, if she want to get answers.

The other version offers a variant interpretation. The first two lines are pretty much identical. But then they jump to the next line on the left and translate it as:

"You probably want to ask why, did you?"

And then they translate the bottom-most line as:

"Well, for now, that's all you need to know about her."

I wonder if this is because the ambiguity of the Japanese text?

joined Oct 19, 2022

People talk about Groundhog Day. Bah. I'm a bit irked that nobody seems to remember Been There, Done That. This manga's plot has much more in common with that Xena episode than with the film, as in both cases (the Xena & Gabrielle story and the manga story) it's a suicide because of thwarted love that brings about the time loop.

The murder of Otome is a definite possibility ONLY if the plot goes the comedic way and the two mcs start trying to break the time loop by doing every random crazy thing they can think of — thus repeating the loop again and again hundreds and thousands of times... but I daresay that's not where the author wants to take her characters. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

In the last iteration of the loop, Kinka throws her chakram and mows down Otome, Otome's evil boyfriend, and everyone who ever wronged her, all in one fell swoop! And in that way the timeloop is broken. Works for me.

last edited at Jan 31, 2024 9:54AM

joined Oct 19, 2022

Lol- what's the point making fake highschool girl panties when you got plenty of real ones?

Tricking the boys?
"Hey pervert wanna buy my used, still warm panties? Just 10.000 yen!"

At the beginning, when the manga was kinky and the girls were shameless, maybe.

Now it's gotten too wholesome for that.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Aah those Japanese manga fights where two strong violent girls go at each other with everything they have and, when the dust settles, they are both looking the same as when they started and there isn't even a smear in their makeup. ¯⧵_(ツ)_/¯

joined Oct 19, 2022

Wrongness: the manga!

I'm for women's rights, but I'm also for women's wrongs!
Go Mizuki! Pull sus tricks as much as you want! And you, Yanagi, get your loli!

joined Oct 19, 2022

Very good article. It's an important point to note that yuri was born in shoujo manga magazines, ie periodicals notoriously made for girls by girls! I remember another useful resource, a guide of yuri from the 70s to the 90s, and indeed all the stories listed come from shoujo mags:

The conclusion from the demographical analysis in your article is as expected:

Yuri manga is primarily made by women and primarily consumed by women.

And also:

But this is not to exclude the presence of men in the creation of yuri manga and in its fandom. Men certainly are present.

Yeah they are present but in the way Playboy and Penthouse also had a female readership lol. The cishet men readership of yuri manga: not the target but it's there.

joined Oct 19, 2022

the sapphic urge to write characters bleeding out and experiencing immense physical pain and trauma

I was going to laugh and say "Pshaw, what an exaggerated statement!" but then I remembered novels like Clear And Muddy Loss Of Love and Female General and Eldest Princess.

Aaand I guess I have nothing to say after all.

Anime season 13 Sep 18:15
joined Oct 19, 2022

Ooohhh. Oh jeez oh shit oh fuck

Wooo nice! Worth the wait, yes siree.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Have now reread 3 times. I am gonna purchase. Also, love the jealous dude bro energy from certain comments above

Some messed up sj warriors around here get offended when males get disparaged in any way or manner, and cry discrimination.

joined Oct 19, 2022

As far as I can remember, Kaoru was all about Shizuka for a long time and then her interest switched to Mayoi. I don't know at which time she could have gone after Hibiki.

I have this image in my head of Kaoru kissing Hibiki and then both of them going to a typical festival in a Shinto shrine - you know, the kind with food stands and game booths, where girls go in a yukata? I think it happened in the first volumes. And then it ended rather quickly and in a low-key manner (because I don't remember at all their break-up).

joined Oct 19, 2022

Poly poly poly!

joined Oct 19, 2022

It's this, right?

More like this.
I love AllTheTropes for staying true to the ideal of gathering all the tropes, unlike mfcking TvTropes which took to censoring and banning all 'incorrect' tropes (like rape tropes) and has become completely rotten.

last edited at Jul 31, 2023 12:03AM

joined Oct 19, 2022

Are there any yuri jdramas with a housewife x JK theme or was them not existing the joke?

Jdramas you say...
There aren't that many yuri jdramas to begin with, let alone jdramas with that (somewhat niche) theme. I can't think of any right now.

Javs are another story. There are plenty of javs where a housewife has sex with a male schoolmate of her kid (I can remember a few with Aika) so there are probably lesbian ones with a housewife x JK theme.

Then there's manga. You can find mangas with that theme. I don't know if it's been already mentioned, but this one is pretty good.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Not 15, not 13, not 12. In other words, by no stretch of any imagination were these two protagonists going get together any time soon. There’s no way the author was unaware of any possible “dangerous direction”— Mai was ten.

You really have no clue what you're talking about, do you?

This is so boring. Why do I waste my time explaining things to people who blather endlessly, as if they were hot experts, on some subject they obviously don't know half a shit about? In theory, a yuri forum should be more fun than this. I must be writing in the wrong thread.

There are scores of mangas where an underage girl who is an early bloomer and looks like a stunning sexbomb falls for an adult man and decides to seduce him. Not hentai mangas, shoujo mangas. Cute mangas for little girls who are expected to identify themselves with the ten-year-old heroine. And there's always a happy end, of course, otherwise the readers wouldn't be satisfied. The plots change a lot, but some key points are always there, like the heroine slowly wearing down the male lead's resistance with her sexiness, and the climactic moment where the male lead comes to the realization that he loves the heroine and age doesn't matter. In one story, the climax came in the middle of the wedding of the male lead with another woman. The heroine crashed the ceremony (The Graduate much?) and made him realize that she was the only one for him, so he dumped his bride and chose the ten-year-old.

If this sort of plot happens in shoujo manga, why couldn't it happen in a yuri manga for adults? And the answer is: of course it could! It just takes a mangaka who wants to make it happen. Sadly, it wasn't the case here: the mangaka was tired of this story and had started another series she wanted to focus on. So she just gave this manga a whatever ending that left two thirds of the characters hanging and didn't properly end anything. That's all there is to this.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Hitomi and Azuma: no proper resolution
Tae and Mado: no proper resolution
Tae and Yuki: no proper resolution

The only thing that gets some semblance of conclusion is the Tae x Mai relationship. But this conclusion is that Mai will live in chastity and celibacy for the next ten years or so, which include all her teen years. She will go through middle and high school abstaining from dating, kissing and all romantic or sexy things. She will save herself for Tae, and only at her legal majority she will be ready for her; and until then, nothing! This is so terribly unhealthy I don't know what to say. Even Minori and Coco have a healthier sexual life as they often engage in kissing and petting and all sorts of erotic games... and Coco is a second grader ffs!

joined Oct 19, 2022

I loved the credits pages; they made me laugh real good. :)
Kurohime as a chuuni who pretends to be Riddick and plays at slamming necros? Priceless!

joined Oct 19, 2022

Of course the Potter would be sorted into the College of Light.
