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joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm looking for a manga where two girls become friends in a fantasy online game by partying up together and eventually meet up. I wanna say it's office lady x high schooler age gap? I remember a scene or two where they have a heartfelt convo in game, only to realize that they've been talking in general chat and get all embarrassed when they notice everyone around being super invested

This one ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

When the chapters are translated at a decent rate and the manga is actively working on. It's not like you have to wait 2 months to get a chapter translated so you can afford to not post spoilers and wait.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Hence Nanase and Fuuko do not need to be friends, as long as they tolerate each other and know the boundaries.

Which will never happen since Nanase hate Fuuko.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Am i the only one thinking the nurse wasn't alone in her room ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Chapter so good it got posted twice.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Aww, Yuni-bitch is so sad she can't get horny no more from her futur-ex, sinful side dish was just too tasty.

Author managed to create a really pathetic hate sink in her, I have to admit.

Better believe she will go back to be horny with Fuuko.

joined Jun 25, 2019

YOOOOOOO, I totally missed this last month but our favorite music shop gays have been licensed in Germany by Carlsen Comics under their Hayabusa label!! First volume comes out in August '24, hecking heck! \o/

Another entry for my "GL manga licensed in German but not in English" list

It's also getting published in french.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Miku getting a handful of both wifes.

joined Jun 25, 2019

DIdn't though they would go all the way. That's a twist i didn't see coming.Also what can i say. Otome is a bitch who find a simpletonin Kazura and Kazura is an idiot who can't see she was getting played like a damn fiddle. So already on a great start in terms of characters. Don't know enough of Yoshiba to judge her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Gaymer girl

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's not Kurokami, that's Mio.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Would be the canon ending.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Man, why post raws ? The team is decently fast to do the chapter to not have to discuss raws because some of you can't wait more than a few weeks.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Not as vindicative as up there but yeah, it was pretty hard to find anything in the arc that wasn't linked to Shiho in some ways given her overwhelming presence in the story. There was next to none things you could talk about without having to talk about her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just want that next volume is the last so we don't end pushing that story too far that it's needed.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The only thing I care about in the manga is Mimei. I don't even want her to end up with the MC because she deserves better than that empty headed flake. I want her to take over the manga as the new main character and get an awesome cool girlfriend or girlfriends and be happy.

They're exes and now friends, they aren't gonna get back together. Don't you read the messages ? And second point is not happening. Hell if she is not gonna get the idol girl.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Did you peoples miss the part where they said they were exes ? I don't think they will go back together.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The problem is that he doesn't know if something he says is contradictory, he doesn't know if he ever ate or rejected something with the girl. Furthermore, those questions hurt him because he realizes more and more that he didn't know anything about his brother.

Why use he/him ? It's a girl you're talking about.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It almost sound too good to be true. i'm not convinced it's gonna be that easy.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ayaka is just like "I can fix her"

joined Jun 25, 2019

At this point with the way people are hyper analyzing and focusing on the English title of “Throw Away the Suit Together” and seeing this solely as a run away from the life sucking corporate workforce should know the Japanese title is “君としらない夏になる“ or properly translated “Into a Summer I Never Knew With You”.

It is an interesting point to consider, because while the Japanese title is 君としらない夏になる, it is also "Throw Away the Suit Together". That English title isn't an invention of the scanlators or the localizers, it's literally printed on the cover of the Japanese volumes. And considering how it's not even close to a literal translation, it definitely feels like an intentional choice rather than Engrish gone wrong. It makes me wonder what the mangaka/editor's reasons were for choosing it, because it's not like "Into a Summer I Never Knew With You" is a bad title at all.

"Throw Away the Suit Together" is the subtitle. The English version's turning the subtitle into the title (and dropping the real title) is where the real issue comes from. It's good that Seven Seas will use the full title, though. The reasons for choosing that subtitle might still be interesting to learn, but sometimes the reasons for chosen English phrases are a bit suspect.

I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And it's surprising how ? It's nothing new that LN adaptations to animes get parts removed entierly for the sake of pace so the anime can end on a good point. Also the pic is great and season 2 was enjoyable.

last edited at Jul 31, 2023 10:14PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Bruh, why are they setting up their teenage daughter with a grown man like it’s not big deal and somehow make their adult daughter being a lesbian as worse. She’s 16 for Christ sakes, Imagine thinking of forcing your child into a marriage for the sake of entrusting your beloved company into the hands of a stranger. Connected by a piece of paper. It’s basically the same thing as giving the company to a stranger at that point, so I don’t understand why they need to force her into marriage anyways.

She did college entrance exams, i doubt she is only 16.

joined Jun 25, 2019

rather have this manga finish once and for all instead of having to go through another arc on another pair of side characters.This one has gone for far too long for a predictable finish.