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joined May 3, 2014

Stupid. She’s tough so she’s not a girl but she loves sweets so she actually is a girl. This is the logic of the deranged and neurotic. I love food and cooking as much as anyone but personally I’ve had enough dessert. When the manga girls are eating headcheese and offal, I’ll be interested. Conservative censorship, otaku fordism, and gacha mindsets have created a vacuum of creative intrigue. The artists with an appreciation for the eroticism of liberated young women railing lines and having affairs no longer find an outlet in manga. We desperately need our delinquents back. 90% of new releases are the fantasy of people who both fear and shun the DoorDash courier and all the world they cannot see from their gaming chair. And oh, she’s a violent gang leader who secretly eats pastries all day and mostly just accosts street artists minding their own business? She’s a cop

can i have some of that sugar you are mixing…… i mean!!! that white powder you just snorted :3

Your Fault discussion 27 May 02:20
joined May 3, 2014

How is this even proper NTR. They're not even dating. Just friends that kiss. Is it because they're immature and haven't fully worked out their feelings to eachother.. is that why it's ntr. I thought NTR involved actual cheating.

yeah ain’t even NTR and the author really tryed to fucking hard to make it seemn NTR, i remember reading this a few years ago and now that i found it again, this ain’t even NTR

joined May 3, 2014


It does touch upon the past thing, it's just that she chooses to not address it, after Yui asks her about it.

I think you misunderstood what I meant. (Or I'm not on the same page as you here.) I know that it showed some flashbacks of her memories of living but in chapter one she resolved that she was going to tell Yui the truth about remembering her past when she got home then that never happened. It's not even implied that it happened off-screen or anything either. Since that was kinda a fairly major detail in the first chapter it really results in the second chapter feeling really disjointed.

If you go by what is widely accepted when dealing with ghosts or read this then her disappearing isn't weird, her having a physical body can be attributed to strong emotional feelings

Fair enough point, I do think it's something that shouldn't just happen with zero explanation though.

and she does come back. Look at the last page again.

Yeah, I know. That's not what I meant though. Even ignoring the part where chapter 1 is almost completely disconnected from the events of chapter 2 they both confess their feelings to the other, Yui falls asleep, then when she wakes up Nanako is gone without any explanation at all and is clearly gone for many years judging by the last page.

Probably a very late answer but never mind. I do not think that the two chapters are disjoined from each other ..
In Chapter 1 she says that she wants to greet Yui with a smile (which she did) and then wants to tell her everything about herself, she just did not do it because she was interrupted by the fact that she suddenly had her body.

the two chapters CLEARLY are not meant to be a continuation, they are 2 separated one shot were in second the author might had the idea of making another one shot in with the same characters but NSFW, completely doesn’t take in consideration the other one shot story, because they both aren’t in the same magazine!

joined May 3, 2014

"Komaki do you love me?"
"What if I told you I do?"
"I don't believe it?"

Why even ask then, Wakaba? Wonder how spicy this sleepover will get...

Toxic yuri fans been eating good these past couple days. This manga, Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell, and My Girlfriend's Not Here Today have all released new chapters.

Because Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love. She asked that question so she could denounce those toxic feelings out loud. I thought it was pretty straightforward tbh? Like, Wakaba knows what Komaki wants, but thinks that the form of relationship she wants would be bad and unpleasant and self destructive. And she's probably right. Wakaba wants fluffy romance between equals, not toxic yuri. That's why she wants to pull Komaki down from above her so much.

While you may find things straightforward, I find this manga sometimes difficult to an "obviously adapted from a WN/LN" type of way.

For instance this part from the last chapter:
Komaki walks away from Wakaba in the stairway, then we transition to a flashback of Komaki explaining to Wakaba about why she went after that senpai.
And then we have Wakaba's thoughts on Komaki(not clear if those are current thoughts or thoughts she had at the time of flashback).
And then we immediately transition to the tennis scene, making it clear that she was distracted by those thoughts in the present.
I had to read that section multiple times to figure out what was happening.

And I disagree that " Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love".
Hell, earlier in the chapter we have Wakaba thinking about how much she's hated and asking Komaki to admit her hatred for her.
Wakaba is either still confused or just in denial about how Komaki feels.

Komaki doesn’t get to decide her feelings are of love for christ sake! cuz otherwise we should take abusers side now cuz they think their WAY of showing love is Valid as Komaki does the same garbage toxic crap and you lot, for some reason think Wakaba needs to admit Komaki has feelings? NAH BRO! that ain’t actual FEELINGS OF LOVE that is akin to hatred that’s way she wants Komaki to god damn admit you don’t do this garbage shite to your supposed “loved one”

like give me a break not every breathing mouth on earth definition of ”love” is valid so ain’t Komaki definition either! that’s way Wakaba says that’s actually hate cuz ain’t no god damn way that’s “love” it’s an twisted possessiveness and Wakaba even SAYS SO!

joined May 3, 2014

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

just because you are AOK with garbage behavior from others as a form of “love” cuz that’s what Ume did to wakaba, that DOES NOT translate to actually LOVE for fuck sakes! THAT is way Wakaba SAYS that ain’t “love” it’s like you LOT chose TO IGNORE what Wakaba said she doesn’t believe Ume is actually in love with her cuz who in hell DOES THAT TO THEIR LOVED ONE!!!

Wakaba doesn’t consider this garbage toxic and twisted form of obsession as “love” as any sane human being should DO!

do you get it now? just because YOU and others accepted this type of toxic behavior as “love” doesn’t mean is actualy valid for Wakaba!

joined May 3, 2014

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

the whole kissing sceen with all that details and thw whore that is Yuni crying made me wanna ring her neck at this point! i NEVER felts so much rage at cheating, i avoid stories like this cuz i emotional immers myself in them so tragic stories can make me incredible sad, the reason way i read happy ending stories, but THIS? this just makes me incredible angry blood boiling because cheating is something that i take personaly,

next time after i finish this manga i will 100% make sure i avoid stories likw this (this might end with Yuni never getting any punishment for being an human incarnation of garbage)

joined May 3, 2014

it's really just a series of fanfic vignettes lmao what did you expect from steven universe

I'm still just floored at the fact that apparently there's a heretofore unknown trove of Steven Universe doujin

not this tho? ah whatever it’s really werid and i just checked the comments cuz this one tags are nutso

joined May 3, 2014

can some one spoil me the ending? because i wanna know how it end how the author is gonna make Ami the fucking SAINT of all CHEATERS! cuz i already predicted the outcome Rei will forgive her! AND SOME MORE!!! and at this point i just don’t wanna throw my phone to the god damn WALL!!

Also I HOPE that this story will at least make it about Rei learning how to move on from her first love and shit and a future were we see her in an healthy relationship!!!

last edited at May 11, 2024 5:28AM

joined May 3, 2014

OK i actually LAUGHT at that last panels

joined May 3, 2014

wow, this has evolved a lot!! I think the breaking point was when Rei rejected Gotou's physical approach, establishing a limit and reassuring her autonomy and worth. I liked that part and the resolve from her not to be just a married woman's lesbian fling, not usual on kodama naoko's works. I think so far this is probably the most "mature" story she's put out, maybe kodama naoko is actually evolving and getting better, the characters have more depth too, all to the detriment of my previous comment shiting on this lol. Will stick around and see if this develops into something good

damn so the people just enjoy almost anything as long as it’s garbage drama about scumbag people, NOW Kodama stories had become more “mature” >.> maybe i will actualy give Kodama an chance? cuz up untill now i just read comments every time there is an Kodama story cuz i really I’m not a fan of how bad the writing is about scumbags in relationships.

i guess it’s in humans nature to watch a dumpster fire burn and see how shit crushes and burn's to ashes, but that doesn’t mean kodama writing stories had anything else going for them, it always made me feel like ugh trying to read her stories

last edited at May 7, 2024 3:34AM

joined May 3, 2014

this was….meh.

ENCORE discussion 05 May 05:48
joined May 3, 2014

way to short, it feels like a quicky >.> wayyy to less panels doing the deed makes it feel way to fast to enjoy anything, it finishes before it started LOL

joined May 3, 2014

Wow, it's been a while. Thank you for the translation!

really been a LONG while! i’m surprised how fast i remember stories that i had stop reading months ago :3

joined May 3, 2014

Yeah, while I don't recognize all the names mentioned, I think claiming that Kodama Naoko is realistic is a bit absurd.

Realism is in the setting and the context, not in the melodramatic love story of the mcs. If it's about people in real life, with real problems, it's realistic. Try this one, it's very good.

that is the most ugh recommendation, it’s only good for people that for some reason thinks cheating is OK when there are 2 women or like scumbags character or something else, any way I will never touch anything written by that author

joined May 3, 2014

I can already tell we are gonna get into abuse and aaaaaangst territory.

I usually like my stuff pretty Fluffy, and I really don't think this author does Fluffy. If it's ANYTHING like Brides of Ibris, it's gonna make me anxious to read. Also if it's anything like Brides of Ibris, this forum thread is gonna be a toxic nightmare to navigate.

Well the forum thread was a toxic nightmare because Brides of Ibris had men in it and any series that has bisexuality in it becomes a toxic cesspool here unfortunately.

This new series seems to not have any men (yet) so we'll see. Akiyama Haru could always pull an Octave and have the dude be a one off plot point. I doubt this'll be as experimental as Brides of Ibris since it didn't sell well.

no suprise Brides of Ibris didn’t sell well LMAO

joined May 3, 2014

Very cute development for Kako. I'm still a bit torn on Michi, she seems sympathetic but I find it hard to get over the "you're coming back home because your parents decided that we'd get married". Without wanting this story to become too serious, hopefully she's just an idiot, and someone will point out the obvious that it's not okay and they'll change the timeline for the sake of future generations being freed of the forced marriage trope ?

the manga is stupidity on bread, the supposed comedy is supposed to make it funny, but for me it look dumb as fuck, so no, every one is stupid and the plot won’t get any smarter but dumber by the chapter and it’s supposed to be funny!!! yeah I’m not reading this one any more, i feel like i need to kill 99.9999% of my neurons to enjoy this type of “comedy”

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 10:03PM

joined May 3, 2014

I don't see the yuri end at all, to be honest. The friend just realized she has being inconsiderate, which doesn't mean she loves the MC. And even the MC seems resigned to be just friends at the end.

yeah, that’s one ending

joined May 3, 2014

This really doesn't read like a proper happy ending. They're not together. All the last page indicated is that they'll remain friends and at least Arisa won't have to hide her feelings anymore. The earrings became a symbol of her feelings, and by hiding them in the jewelry box, she attempted to hide those feelings. When she says that she's going to get a new jewelry box without a key, all that means is she can have a new chance at her friendship with Arisa, one where she can be more open about her feelings. In an even more optimistic reading, it means she would potentially move onto, naturally love somebody else and find a new "jewelry box".

After realizing what the ending is about, I still feel like it's a good story. But it's definitely a bittersweet one, and not meant to be a happy yuri one. Also Arisa doesn't come off as being the most sympathetic character here, given how she maliciously hides the earrings and feels no regret later. She's quite selfish here, and I don't think she deserved Fuwako. Even Fuwako forgiving and then helping her out so fast is a bit cringey and personally not to my tastes, although inevitable given the context of Fuwako's character.

bro your reading too deep into an short story to make such negative psychoanalysis on bloody fictional characters, it doesn’t work in real life unless you actually have a session with them so were do people get this analysis ? out of thing air?

joined May 3, 2014

Great. I'm really skeptical when it comes to het i always visit the comment section first. Lol

me too, but i also know the story is trash, they aren’t together and will never be

joined May 3, 2014

WTF was this?

joined May 3, 2014

Huh… I’m going to be honest. It was cute, but it was also a bit underwhelming. So much was set up that just… never materialized. It’s like I’m looking at the bones of a story after someone has already picked most of the meat off. I can see the traces of something interesting in there- the barest trace of a fantasy star-crossed lovers story, a whiff of some action, the tiniest crumb of sexiness- but there’s not enough of anything there to actually be noteworthy.

Also, you can’t just call someone a “surviving demon” and then do nothing to explain why you had to use that adjective.

it’s an one shot, most stories ca do a “good job” at flashing things out, but for one shots it needs to be REALLY REALLY good written to some how meet the exagerated expectation of reader forgetting most people need more that just a few pages to tell an actually good story, let alone a REALLY good one shot

joined May 3, 2014

How Demons do skinship.....
I mist disagree with the first comment I think this is by far not enough especially because it's a one shot. I do think it's a bit sweet yes but the serious lack of material makes it hard to form any actual connection with the story.

that is an different type of story that REALLY needs to be sooo godly written to make an connection to other people in an god damn ONE SHOT, most authors need a little LONGER story for that to happen, but one shots? unless they are like bigger that normal one shots PLUS they need really good writing for that to happen

joined May 3, 2014

That was nice, but I've never been a big fan when the touching is once sided. But it was nice nonetheless.

the CLOTHS make me more mad that i though! like NO what is this blasphemy

joined May 3, 2014

Ok, so here is the theory! she just chose the random person to have an child with and what better that the missing genius of the future! she is betting on the past MC accepting the idea if marriage since a child might convince her(?)

All To escape her evil* fiancé

joined May 3, 2014

I feel like Subtext would be a more appropriate tag since there’s nothing really explicitly romantic about their interactions

"I decided I wanted to take care of her for the rest of my life".
"If there's only one person you want to show your smile to, it's time to stop being an idol".

Yes. I also think that one of them should have shouted "SESBIAN LEX".

do you live your life seeing Yuri in real life or something? like PLEASE can we stop with this shite? you don’t scream Yaoi when you see in an Shoujo manga friendship between two guys do you??? or scream Yuri when there is friendship between females in an Shoujo manga???? or in any gener for that matter actualy! were is the Yaoi tag abd Yuri tag on EVER MANGA WITH FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN SAME SEX!!!

there are A TON of Manga out there that deosn’t use the Yuri tag and their have the same friendship , we don’t see you there trying to put the tag on it do you now?

last edited at Apr 15, 2024 8:35AM