Forum › Posts by Casusby

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

This is a pretty niche problem, I imagine, but it's hopefully worth reporting. I use a pretty old tablet (a 10-year-old third-gen iPad) to read on, most of the time, and yesterday morning, it worked fine. Yesterday evening, not so much. I can see the cover/preview image for a series, and the thumbnails for associated images, but if I open a chapter or click on a thumbnail, I just get a blank box with a page number like "1" or an image id like "namename1207-img." I know losing compatibility comes with using ancient tech, but I'm hoping this won't be a permanent sadness.

Images and chapter pages have been converted to webp, which means breaking compatibility with iOS users using OS versions pre-2020/version 14
As of right now, we have no solution for you, sorry.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

From our developer:

Having an API endpoint without pagination defeats the point of the pagination. Though if you just want chapter/tag/image IDs on the endpoint instead of the full info that could be doable.

I encourage you to discuss it with us on the discord if you want to expand further

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Hello, if you're seeing this, the site maintenance is complete. E-mail issues should also have been resolved with this maintenance. To see more details about the site changes, please check our Discord.
Thank you.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It’s an online forum if you want a private convo take it to dms

You're right, this is an online forum, and that means there are rules.
This is your only warning to stop being an asshole to others, especially over semantics.
If you do not like this work, then move on and let others who want to enjoy it do so.

Who is being an asshole? Not me. I responded as an ass to 2 people who were assholes to me/didn't agree with me in a rude way(see were not strawmanning, were ignoring cuz ur opinions are worthless - and you didnt warn them) But I can see that you don't like my opinion and so just want me to shut up. I am not "being rude to people about the semantics of yuri" I had an opinion on the quality of the yuri in the manga, and so wanted to warn other people. I very much enjoyed volume 1, read volume 2, started getting a bit weirded out by the sudden injection of new cast members and the push of the couple into the background, and then i took a break. Reread the whole series a few days ago, and came to inform others like me(who read yuri for yuri) that it isn't exactly yuri, but more sapphic tinged rock manga.

Trying to hide behind "it was my opinion" isn't going to work when you were framing it as personal insults.
That was your only warning, you can sit out for a month.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It’s an online forum if you want a private convo take it to dms

You're right, this is an online forum, and that means there are rules.
This is your only warning to stop being an asshole to others, especially over semantics.
If you do not like this work, then move on and let others who want to enjoy it do so.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

So a pair of garden-variety manga humor tropes: Sick Episode + Lethal Cook = "Woop-woop! Red flag! Toxic behavior!"


Knock it off, you won't be warned again.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The work has been removed.
We took it down as we did not want to distribute it through our platform, that includes the forums.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

After confirming with the people who worked on this release, we have agreed to remove the work as the message it contains does not reflect the views of Dynasty nor of knight heron and it's not something we support.

Multiple people in this thread have been banned for 30 days as they chose to openly mock, if not belittle people who had expressed legitimate concerns about this work.

We will not tolerate this kind of behaviour.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'm putting an end to this debate, this is not the place for it.
Do not continue it.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

This thread is not to be used for debating user actions, and back seat moderating will not be tolerated either.

If one can not refrain themselves from going into political debate in a release thread, you will get one warning (hint: this is that warning) and it will be your final one.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Other non-English projects have scanlated further ahead , so... a glimpse of the henceforth.

Just want to remind everyone that this is a romantic story too; it's not just about masochism and niche fetishes.

Do not post anything ahead of what is available on the site, please respect the other users of this site

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The best way currently it to highlight moderators/staff members on our Discord.
We have a #current-release channel as well for discussing current releases and the discussion around them.

I thought the best way was to report it in the Help thread?

OrangePekoe, who made the thread, stated in the opening message that it was the intended place to report bad behavior and request moderation.

That thread can also be used, but for real time response, Discord is better.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

report it to the moderation team.

What's the best way to do this?

The best way currently it to highlight moderators/staff members on our Discord.
We have a #current-release channel as well for discussing current releases and the discussion around them.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

This is a first.
I posted a oneliner and for 3 entire pages peepz have done nothing but talk about my post weeeeeee
I'm so proud of myself rn. :^)

You're banned. You did nothing that should deserve any pride or praise.

As a note to everyone: If a similar post is made in the future in any thread, please do not engage with it and report it to the moderation team.

If you felt this was your excuse to unload on relationships involving male characters: This behaviour is not tolerated here. Whatever your experiences are that lead up to now, none of it justifies punching down or attacking others, or the fictional representations of others.

If anyone continues this asinine argument, I will ban them without hesitation.

Casusby Admin
E-mail issues 02 Feb 15:53
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

There has been some issues with e-mail notifications going out that we're looking to solve (eventually).
I know it's been an issue for quite a while, but we're aware and are working on it.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

[Far too long of a rant to say you're not capable of respecting others]

Speaking as a mod, and after conferring with other staff members, I don't see any communication with you from our end that was directed at you. In fact at best we can find just a general statement that was made in an unrelated thread. There were however directed comments at you about engaging conversations in bad faith, which you clearly have not heeded.

Not only that, choosing to by-pass contacting us to solve an issue just shows us you have no intention of operating in the rules or in community contract of treating others with some modicum of respect.

Either way, you're being removed.

For everyone else, please do not continue the conversation, and keep it on the release itself.
Thank you.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

@allmarbleslost @17hunter00
Both your comments are inappropriate and are unnecessarily being a jerk. You can disagree with people without resorting to commenting on them themselves, and if you can not, do not comment.

last edited at Sep 24, 2022 2:06PM

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Hello all, once again we're trying to do some real good this Pride Month, by running a donation campaign for LGBTQIA+ focused charities. This time I decided to use Tiltify to enable the donations to be spread to multiple organizations. You can find the campaign page here:

You can also find a FAQ for the Tiltify fundraising event here:

If there are questions about anything, I will do my best to answer them here or on Discord

More over, I want to encourage people to seek out local organizations that they can help if they don't feel like donating to our campaign here; or more so LGBTQIA+ peoples that they know that might be on hard times.

Speaking personally, I think the world is heading in a dangerous direction, and while individually it can seem hard to affect change, just improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ people that we can help is still worth it. This has been one of the best "side effects" of Dynasty Scans, and it makes sense to further that when we can.

Upcoming in the month, I plan to hold a few community events on our Discord in support of the campaign as well.

There will also be some raffling of (digital) prizes for those who donate a minimum of $10 USD. Just one donation of $10 USD is enough to be entered (one entry per person). Please select the reward on the page if you wish to be entered.

If you're unable to donate, please help share the campaign if you can! Spreading the word is also greatly appreciated.

And if you haven't already, you can join us on the Discord with this invite:

Thank you so much for reading, and for being a part of our community

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Something really bizarre happened to my post here:
if you look around it, random seemingly responded to it before I posted it, and naresh4444 captured the moment where it appeared as if the comment was posted in the future. And I'm pretty sure as well I posted it earlier than the post timestamp would suggest.

There was a small issue with timestamps after the maintenance yesterday, it has been corrected now. No need to worry.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The issue should be resolved now.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

We are investigating, thank you for reporting it.

Casusby Admin
Image Comments 24 Dec 12:25
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The forums already have a topic for Genshin discussion found here:

Please do not continue discussing whatever your takes are on Genshin in the image comments. Thank you.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans Twitter 04 Nov 12:43
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Back from the dead, the Dynasty Scans twitter account is alive again. The main use for now will be to notify people if there are any site issues, but we are looking into expanding on other uses for the account (yes like release announcements).

But for now you can check there (or on discord, we have a discord) for any news if the site runs into issues.

Casusby Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It has been updated

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

A new chapter just got released, is a translation in the works?

Please do not create an account just to bug people about a translation for something you admitted yourself just came out.
Your ban is in the works for 30 days.

last edited at Oct 15, 2021 3:48PM