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riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Glorious, and I'm so glad that the scanlation is now finished too.

The nihilistic conclusion that all magical girls will inevitably become witches comes on a little strong when both the main series and MR go to lengths to explore all the ways that can be avoided, but if running with that scenario, then Iroha and Yachiyo are just making the most out of a bad situation. They both get to die in the manner of their choosing, while gaining some value out of their lives leading up to that death. Win win. :)

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

My personal favorite of the works in this anthology. It's beautifully layered, with blends of multiple different timepoints, many different thematic interpretations, and one of the types of yuri that I love the best: an unstated but undeniable longing that drives one to take formerly unimaginable actions.

A few thoughts I've had on the more murky aspects of this chapter, without having read the novella that it was adapted from. Speculation abound.
- The line "I dreamed of petals landing in the pond" in the context of its original poem has a second part that goes (vulgarly) something like "alas, spring half past, yet [I am] far from home". The line as a whole has the connotations of time passing as well as either missing home or missing someone who has yet to come home. In the context of this chapter, using a poem line that's about "dreaming" could also imply that it's from Mari's perspective, as the soil god says that everything which happened may feel like a dream to her.
- The sambar deer spirit, a "water deer", represents clean water, pure, unsullied water. There's a sense that this is what Mari is trying to hold onto, to the point that she becomes water herself.
- She can't stop change from happening though, as is alluded to throughout. Their city alone has gone through multiple rounds of restructuring, the sambar deer gets closer to the city than it should (as all animals do when their natural habitats are destroyed. the Formosan sambar deer, coincidentally, was once near extinction due to habitat loss and hunting), and even the local Taiwanese gods have become displaced by the foreign Shinto gods.
- Mari's deepest wish is purposefully not stated, though of course, I would believe that her wish was to stay with Hezhou forever, in an unchanging bubble. The fact that this can't happen, as her wish was reversed with the antler's return to the deer, potentially means two main things. One, she just has to suck up leaving Hezhou and marrying the guy her parents probably betrothed her to. Or two, even if the world isn't perfect and she can't remain "pure", there must still be a way to adapt as the rest of their world has, and as Hezhou clearly wishes for her too.

last edited at May 2, 2024 1:08PM

The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

"He is her fiancée."

Fiancée = feminine, wife to be
Fiancé = masculine, husband to be

Whoops. Didn't see this until now either. Thanks for pointing that out.

The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Whatever I expected from this series, mentioning Itou Hachi by name wasn't it. :D

My job is done. The reference was understood. XD

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Biggest surprise in this chapter for me is how young-looking Michi treated Michi like a different person with the "you" and "we're". There's ways to explain it, like how people might talk to an inner self in second or even third person, but that's a stretch. Keeping things simple, it seems that younger-looking Michi might be a completely separate entity separated in time or identity. The power that Sayaka transferred seems to have kept her around for longer, when she had been fading before, so she's not gone yet.

This chapter left more questions than answers. Typical lol. But hey, the kiss is exciting, because that's got to shake up Michiru and Aizawa's relationship significantly.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Magia Record in the year of our lord 2024. Amazing. Thank you TFO and Oak.

riverFlower Uploader
noighd discussion 13 Feb 21:08
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Thank you for your passion, Blamey. You choose impeccable series and do excellent work on them.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Having been exposed to Stardust Telepath first through the anime and then reading all of the manga from the beginning, I just have to say it really is an amazing story in both formats (the anime was an extremely faithful adaptation). It's heartfelt, with such good pacing and really relatable character moments around the passion of having a dream and the pain of failure or the lack thereof of a clear dream. It's immediately jumped to being one of my favorite stories of all time in terms of impact and long term impression that it'll leave on me, and I'm really excited to see how the rest of the story goes.

The gay frames and very deep, special connection that each pair has with their respective other half are great too!!! I don't expect a kiss in any way, as there's (unfortunately) enough wriggle room to leave it as textual but no physical confirmation yuri or subtextual yuri, but those foreheadpathy moments have been pretty suggestive from the start.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

And build a harem of the world's finest women.

NO ! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Enjoyable with a nice twist. I do quite enjoy yuri with two fucked-up women who are perfect for and far too obsessed with each other. Ryouko is a good actor but Minako sees right through it, having been privy to her "'ugly sides". The only question is why Minako disappeared for ten years, which is probably simply because she felt like it or even perhaps she was actively being cruel, given that she knew Ryouko gets lonely. This is assuming that Ryouko's feeling of her being wrapped around Minako's finger is something that Minako does with any degree of active intent, which it may or may not be. I would assume Ryouko didn't reach out, started getting antsy waiting, found her fiancee, and asked for the "favor", thus succeeding in drawing Minako back.

Wow their future looks as bright as a house on fire. Love it.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I really like this. I wish the ending had been just a little stronger. Like one or two more pages of content. It was a little abrupt.

To be honest, I don't understand idol, streamer, vtuber, etc. culture in the slightest. Precisely because, it feels too fake. A love of a character transposed onto a real person, the selling and consumption of both real and exaggerated qualities.

But what did resonate a lot about this story was the cycle of fervor and then forgetting, on both sides even. The rant was both beautifully written and beautifully translated. When I saw the walls of text in the bubbles, I immediately thought "this is going to be good". Her bitterness is raw, and to cap it off, we never learn her actual name. She's just LPE-chan the whole time. But it seems like that's what she wants. To be remembered and genuinely loved to some extent no matter what character is needed for that purpose.

It makes me wonder if I have been guilty at least once of that offense she mentions. Probably at least a little...

But yeah, good story.

Also if someone's suicidal and in imminent threat of attempting to kill themselves, don't ride an hour to reach their residence while their means of killing themselves is right there, call the police lmao.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

There's no way, after spending this much time together, going to classes, and all this other stuff, that Elsa doesn't recognise the name "Smollet" when she starts going to the school?

The use of "Lady Smollett" out loud around Elsa was a translation mistake and it will be changed/noted in future chapters. Originally, no one uses any part of Yvonne's name when referring to her. They always refer to her by a generic title. For example Linda always calls her "my lady" and the others call her something like "the young lady". So Elsa doesn't know her first name or what family she's from.

Apologies for the confusion.

last edited at Jul 3, 2023 4:03PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Sunrise Arrow, thank you!

And I'm so excited Demon Girl is back in serialization. Hopefully with Ito-sensei in good enough health to keep it that way.

The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Those are extras not a sequel. She's explictly said there are no plans for a sequel at the moment.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

The author is definitely depressed but that's not much of a stretch to deduce.

Really ? I always wonder how anyone can make assumptions about the author's life based on what they wrote. I know very happy and balanced people that write fucked up things and vice versa.

Simply because you can only write about what you know.

And it's impossible to know anything that you haven't experienced.

Authors who try to write about things they haven't personally experienced, there's a touch of inauthenticity about it. It's hard to escape autobiography.

Yes, impossible to know anything that one hasn't personally experienced, which is how it's impossible to write about anything outside the bounds of real life or to ever empathize with and reliably recreate experiences that are not one's own.

Come on, fiction is fiction. Sometimes creators can only draw from their own personal experiences, and much more frequently a story is born of pieces of personal inspiration that a reader might never have guessed at, material gathered from other people, general research/life knowledge, genre conventions, and straight up making things up.

Once, people kept asking this yuri artist if a particular series came from personal experience. She said no. And then she said "people ask if I made the story based on personal experience for every one of my [distinctly different] series. XD"

last edited at May 14, 2023 7:58PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Huh. I thought everyone in the town with those eyes must be under the mermaid's sway, but guess it's not that simple. Ichika must have willingly given herself over. I reread ch1 and belatedly noticed that Nina's eyes change too half-way. Pg22 they're still pure-black, then she talks about wanting to meet the mermaid, and by her next appearance on pg28, her eyes have changed.

It seems this will be significantly more metaphorical than literal.

Also the cat being blind, an eye-focused condition, probably says something too lol.

last edited at May 14, 2023 5:10PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Hino-san is over, can't believe it. A relatively clumsy ending though it still did what I'd expect it to and it did well with the typical final gag. Going to be weird not having any more updates of it in the future.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

she put her hand on Aizawa's shoulder, and she definitely stopped Michi from asking more questions that might lead to Kasumi realizing she was not herself for a moment there with the possession

Putting her hand on Aizawa's shoulder seems perfectly in-line with not realizing anything. She walked in after Aizawa stopped possessing Kasumi, and Aizawa's wearing the school uniform, so she would have just looked like a random student who was there with Kasumi and Michi for no good reason. Sayaka noticeably also immediately blames Michi for the strange position she and Kasumi are in, not Aizawa.

And she therefore probably wasn't stopping Michi from saying anything that would let Kasumi know she'd been possessed, but rather anything that would let Kasumi remember how she'd been snuggling with Michi. Simple jealousy.

Of course she could just be an absurdly good actor, but I don't think there's anything that contradicts what's being shown of her being truly oblivious. Michi had the ability to see ghosts since childhood, so Sayaka's likely the same and that's why she thinks everyone can see them.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Ch6 is the formal end of the series, and the extra was a bonus adapted from the web novel that was written later. The web novel is gay, being translated, and can be read at: It's unknown if there will be more extras in the future.

The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Luinthoron, you are a whole percentage amount of my motivation to keep translating. Always gratified to see your comments.

And yep, lots more detail in the web novel. The next few chapters will have even more details and background for this arc.

last edited at Apr 25, 2023 6:35PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I, one of the translators, was very conflicted if it should be tagged as "subtext" or "yuri". I believe that it fits the yuri genre as a whole without a doubt, and the light novel could probably very safely be labelled "yuri" based on the parts I checked, but given that this manhua (which came first) straddles the border, "subtext" seemed the safer choice.

I'd encourage everyone to let the story speak for itself though and judge it on that basis without too many preconceptions of what it should be.

riverFlower Uploader
Anemone discussion 03 Apr 16:53
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I would have preferred a more muted last page. Something about Stue immediately having a sobbing breakdown seems at odds with the tone. We already know that she regrets, but her brother's right there, and if she had really been that determined to protect the princess, she would have fought the townspeople and died with the princess already. The explosive crying would make more sense if she had tried to protect the princess and failed, not in this scenario where she gave up the princess without any resistance and literally led her to her death.

In my mind, it would have been more fitting if the last page was her crouching down to hug her brother while saying that she did save him, her chin over his shoulder, tears silently streaming down her face where he can't see. And then maybe after some time, then she starts visibly showing it and really sobbing.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

« You're an experienced and greasy ol' sleaze! »
« A-Am I sleazy?! »
I'd really like to know what they said in Chinese. Please?

If you're capable of reading the Chinese and want to know, then go buy the raws.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I mourn what could have been. Sad that it's ended so soon without its full potential being realized. However, the ending was still good all things considered and I would like to think that it's still what the author intended for all along.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 9:23PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Yvonne was NOT trying to confess to Elsa. She just wanted to secretly give her the flowers and that's all. The kids were the ones who tried to make things explicit.

The wording of lines on pg6 and 7 were changed to try and make this clearer.