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Forum › Posts by daydream_dog94

joined Dec 4, 2017

fuck the food pyramid this is the real deal

joined Dec 4, 2017

thumb nail looked like she was sprinkling her with salt lol

joined Dec 4, 2017

i didn't see that in the safety manual

joined Dec 4, 2017

imagine a universe where bird feathers fall from the sky instead of snow. ew ;-; also this whole thing is super adorable from start to end. jolly good show

joined Dec 4, 2017

this deserves the drunk tag. sober people do not do this.

last edited at Jul 14, 2023 11:55PM

joined Dec 4, 2017

ngl i kinda wish the senpai stayed a guy before they did the do

regardless, this was interesting

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 12:31AM

joined Dec 4, 2017

ok im totally not crying

joined Dec 4, 2017

don't let the sheepdog find out lmao

joined Dec 4, 2017

i dont ship it but gwen is hot so keep em comin

joined Dec 4, 2017

i didn't notice ayumu until i scrolled down to the comments. i was not looking respectfully.

joined Dec 4, 2017

bro why the house plant POV?

joined Dec 4, 2017

cool concept for a manga honestly

joined Dec 4, 2017

why stop at 60? 72 would allow for another arc of sulemio fluff.

joined Dec 4, 2017

Besides the amazing sex this one shot has a beautiful message about the pressure around the whole idea of marriage, and even non-LGBT people might get the frustration of that "need" to put that shinny label on your relationship that society pushes onto you. It's still utter bullshit that same-sex couples can't get married in Japan of all places, but maybe it's not even that: it's terribly painful that they don't even have the option to not get officially married if they don't want to. And Hinata's point kinda made me think of that, y'know? Things don't change much after you get married if you've already been living with your partner in a stable relationship for a long time. So does it really represent such a necessity for them deep down if they are just changing what they call it? No, it does not. But the right to realize that after at least getting your union legally recognized is not something LGBT people have in many many places, which sucks. Lovers are lovers, the abstract idea is the same no matter who you refer to. So why does in practice some couples are treated differently?

I'm sorry, I'm really trying to make an argument here but I also want to keep staring at the Nipples on page 11. Priorities.

pretty much my thoughts exactly. to add my own, it is so insane to me that one's life can be dictated by another human being in exchange for love or security or both. why is our species on mega hard mode?

might i also suggest the Nipples on page 17?

joined Dec 4, 2017

its a shame not many people live by this simple fact of life. and its also a shame that other people dare to claim the authority to tell another soul how to be and who to love. humans are frickin bizarre man. To add, them some nice tiddies. - 3-)7

Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 11:37
joined Dec 4, 2017

very interesting lol need more yuri like this

joined Dec 4, 2017

ok this is cute but how tf is she sitting on that fire hydrant?? IN A SKIRT NO LESS

joined Dec 4, 2017

and suddenly her mind goes as blank as the pages in front of her

joined Dec 4, 2017

Looks like fun! Full series when? Or even a sequel honestly. I’d like to see more

joined Dec 4, 2017

something about this gives me slight tatsuki fujimoto vibes and im here for it

joined Dec 4, 2017

damn did not expect to almost cry when hino san was reminiscing about all the other things she loves about koguma besides her height.. only to laugh a moment later when they go though with the pre-diploma sex only to have it be the butt of the joke in the end. Hino San you jerk!

I haven't been too happy with the progression of this one but I'm happy with it as a whole and think this last chapter did a good job ending the story we got. however, i'll have to comeback and reread this as an entire finished work to really see what i like and dislike about the story. thank you to everyone who took the time and effort to translate this series for us to read, I cant believe its been almost 7? years?? i gotta say I'll miss seeing new chapters uploaded here..

joined Dec 4, 2017

it's finger lickin' good!

in a platonic way, of course...

joined Dec 4, 2017

does anybody else have severe whiplash? im happy they finally together (I wasn't expecting it to actually happen honestly) but damn at what cost?? i mean, the writing for the last 15 or so chapters, though entertaining, is really inconsistent with the previous 100+ chapters, save for a few. but i guess it would be pretty hard to end a manga with this format. you either end it abruptly, keeping up with the tone of the manga but piss everyone off cough hachiko cough, or sell out. either way its been an interesting read and i will remember this manga fondly mostly. now for a time skip and unnecessary sex scene :P this comment has been brought to you by hino's dead grandmother. if not for her sacrifice hino and koguma might have never met! she will be watching over them (doing it) in heaven RIP

joined Dec 4, 2017

ok someone get the big spoon imma have to eat my own words

also, we got this big emotional dump and now they are a thing. are we gonna get to see them being a thing or is this beginning a means to an end?

joined Dec 4, 2017

from my understanding, a fetish is essentially something one finds pleasurable (sexual or not) that does not involve the parts of the body designed for sexual pleasure. so for example, "bullying" could be considered a fetish. does bullying someone (psychological or physically) have anything to do with sex? no. in spite of this fact, people still find it pleasurable to be degraded.

that's my definition I'm operating under, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there. and if i am incorrect, please give me the word that describes my definition so i know in the future what term to use.

There's an older definition, which I'm not really a big fan of either, that denotes that the term "fetish" strictly speaking applies to elements outside the norm that are both used and required for achieving sexual pleasure/gratification. I.e. they're kind of pathological, while IIRC the term for elements outside the norm that are merely used to derive pleasure from, but not required, would be referred to as "kinks". I think it's fair to use the terms interchangeably, as they commonly are colloquially anyway, and I think that's what you were getting at.

I'm also a bit bothered by the word "bullying", because what we have here is people mildly, gently and lovingly teasing each other, while "bullying" aims to destroy a person. (The first chapter or two of Nagatoro-san kind of seemed like they might fall into "bullying", but that cleared up and mellowed out rather quickly).

yeah, i think they can be interchangeable in most contexts. though, the way i see it, kink is nature and fetish is nurture. a kink is a divergence of an objects natural path of motion. so in nature, we have sex with our sexual organs, but someone with a kink might only be able to get off with feet involved or some other "unnatural" condition. then there's fetish which is more of a special interest or obsession of something that is usually intertwined with ones sexuality. so something can be considered both, one, or the other depending on context. however, one big similarity is that both can develop into a philia when mixed with the wrong circumstances.

as for bullying, i suppose i could have used a more acceptable term there, but i wasn't really referring to the life destroying aspect of it. i guess teasing would be a more fitting word.

last edited at Apr 19, 2023 12:42AM