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gravity discussion 07 May 03:29
joined Jul 8, 2018

Damn. We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close... that suicide threat ruined the story

joined Jul 8, 2018

This one is kind of sad, since they still cannot be officially together. Tough life it is to be an idol...

I actually thought it was a happy story- she retired so that they can be together

joined Jul 8, 2018

Everyone has said it by now, but Ami is kind of an asshole lol. However I did think that part where she says Rei looked "totally stunning" was really sweet.

Ami also stood up for Rei against the creep while not realizing it was Rei, so maybe she's not exactly a "bad" person. I'll definitely stick around and keep reading to see how this ends.

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 3:31AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

Thanks for the heads up, I was starting to think Furuka had reached an alternate dimension.

Lmao same my immediate thought was "parallel universe??"

Wanna Sip? discussion 12 Sep 02:25
joined Jul 8, 2018

This is next level Yuri. Adorable, funny, and sweet, pretty much a perfect little story!

joined Jul 8, 2018

I much prefer their relationship as depicted here than in the other shorts

joined Jul 8, 2018

Lmao don't ruin your fucking teeth just ask her out you dummy

joined Jul 8, 2018

Wait, so she straight up forgot Akari completely? I'm confused here. Cute art as usual tho

joined Jul 8, 2018

Lmao I love that her mom figured it out.

Also little Hinoka talking about Tsukushi all the time is adorable!

joined Jul 8, 2018

Kaoru saw her chance and took it lmao

joined Jul 8, 2018

Love this, Suzuki Senpai never misses.

Also I just realized that Shiramizu kinda looks like Kobeni lol. Similar hair and wears a suit.

Though Shiramizu is way more airheaded then Kobeni lmao.

last edited at Dec 15, 2022 3:41AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

Chihiro (the MC) is an absolute cutie pie

Little sister is adorable. ^_^

Lol I agree

joined Jul 8, 2018

Yumimi and Nononon are the cutest

Inko-sensei discussion 03 Dec 01:38
joined Jul 8, 2018

The real question is if NcDoMilds is a competitor to NcDonalds

Or does the existence of NcDoMilds without the existence of NcDonalds suggest that this is in fact a parallel universe.

Nah they rebranded after a disgruntled employee stole all their spice

joined Jul 8, 2018

This is adorable already. I love stories where they're already girlfriends from the start

Inko-sensei discussion 26 Nov 01:55
joined Jul 8, 2018


joined Jul 8, 2018

Well, at least she's come to terms with her own feelings.

And guys, the title/premise of the manga had to come back into play at some point lol. Obviously she would still have that underlying fear of rejection after her dream.

joined Jul 8, 2018


joined Jul 8, 2018

Goddamn, author really leveled up their art. It's been evident in all these extras but this latest one is phenomenal.

joined Jul 8, 2018

Also, and I'm not just saying this because it's Yuri, but this series has way better harem management than any straight harem crap that's out there. Tamamusi is a fantastic writer.

joined Jul 8, 2018

This series continues to be hilarious and adorable. Mei is a great MC. I'm still pulling for Riri to "win" but polyamory ending would be very welcome lol. Also Karin has shot up the rankings lately, and Minato is still great as usual. Meanwhile Kaoru has started to act a little more unhinged so she's gone down. I also have enjoyed Maria a lot more in recent chapter, though her relationship with Mei is still the least likely so sorry, teach!

joined Jul 8, 2018

I love this so far lmao.

joined Jul 8, 2018

Oh shit I forgot about this and missed the last few chapters lol. Gotta say, that Nakano part felt kinda uncomfortable with the "shut up and enjoy it" line but Miyako did seem to enjoy it and also was thinking about how it felt like they were lovers so I guess it's chill lmao

I will say I really like new swimming girl so far, she's adorable

joined Jul 8, 2018

Woah nice subversion lol I usually dislike the "jealous when she hangs out with other girls" trope but it was awesome in this chapter because Sara just straight up tells Hinoka she isn't "stealing her girl" lmao. Hinoka's face after that is hilarious, she's just absolutely speechless!

joined Jul 8, 2018

I absolutely adore this story so far!