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joined Oct 4, 2018

Format-wise, I think it would work pretty well as a set of super-short minute-long episodes like I'm Kodama Kawashiri, especially if they kept the manga's color scheme and used highly stylized (maybe rotoscoped low framerate?) animation.

That's cool and all, but does anyone actually care for these minute-long episodes series? (I would totally watch it tho)

Yama no Susume exists. That one started out with those minute long episodes. It ended up getting more time every season until it managed to get its own full 20 minute 1 cour season.

If there are enough people who would buy the discs and the manga, there's a potential for a bigger audience.
The biggest barrier is still the music licensing. Japan's copyright system is such a complex beast that it'll definitely be hard to get all the right songs in the anime.

joined Oct 4, 2018

dude was about to extrajudicially murder a foreign noble in his own house... disastrous

Buddy you're definitely more likely to bring the fall of your own country... imagine just doing something that could very easily start a war because you're mad that you've been a crappy parent to your daughter

That would definitely be the case if she had a good standing in her home country. Sadly, they basically see her as more of an outcast/ unwanted noble simply because she has dark attribute magic. And the father-in-law over there knows that as a fact in addition to his country revering light magic so much.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Uhh, so I'm no expert on ABO stuff, but isn't marking in these stories usually something permanent? I recall it being super serious (more permanent than marriage), so Tang Chao suggesting it here in a casual way here is wild.

For this one specifically, there's an option for temporary marks. You can think of it as a bite that will fade/heal after a while vs. a bite that leaves a permanent scar.
Basically, bite hard enough to leave a mark but not hard enough to leave a scar and you get a temporary mark.

From what I've seen, "temporary marks" are somewhat common in the CN side of omegaverse stories.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Did the twins sing Magnet?

joined Oct 4, 2018

I did not expect to see these two after so long. It's a nice surprise

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ especially more so when you consider how long Marcille's life span is

joined Oct 4, 2018

And thus Makora came to be

joined Oct 4, 2018

I can almost see that classic scene in a lot of older spicy mangas where doctor goes "You do it too much!"

joined Oct 4, 2018

"you want to try both, don't you?" bisexual confirmed?


How did I not pick up on this symbolism?? XD

I dunno, I read that as more of an "I want us to share things with each other" kind of thing OR a super subtle way of saying "I want to spend time doing things with you".

joined Oct 4, 2018

I didn't expect to see Seed here. Can't say I remember anything except for the main Gundam and that yellow robot ball that also shows up in Witch of Mercury.
Debating whether or not I should rewatch Seed and Wing just for the nostalgia

joined Oct 4, 2018

Ho~ is Mitsuki finally gaining self awareness?

joined Oct 4, 2018

I'm infinitely surprised there wasn't the "suddenly a transfer student" plot point.
... maybe next chapter.

Precisely my thoughts. After the first page I was expecting that to happen for sure. Maybe the child makes that plot a bit more difficult than usual. Gotta find a babysitter first.

I was half expecting that to happen too but then I thought "Wait. If she starts attending school too, then who's gonna take care of the baby". It'd be pretty interesting in and of itself if Mirai doesn't transfer in but still visits and causes shenanigans.

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ Kokomi isn't "another Ayaka". If I had to compare, Ayaka is more partially clueless ojou-sama in part due to her upbringing and family circumstances with a slight inclination for small pranks and stuff.
Meanwhile, Kokomi is more of an over diligent introvert to the point where she literally quantifies her stress levels and other emotions in points and privately recording it together with her official duties.

joined Oct 4, 2018

So her girlfriend of several years dumped her and married a guy right away? I am always quite confused when I read that kind of storyline in a manga, do people in Japan really get married that sudden?

It's hard to explain properly without touching up on the culture in places with a lot of influences from East Asian cultures. There's a lot of implied expectation for people to get married and have kids; "fulfill your filial piety".
The way marriage is seen is less of a "two people in love getting tied" and is more "two families becoming intertwined" sort of thing. So for some people, going along with the family's decision OR deciding for themselves that this other person is better for various reasons that may either involve the family that they are about to build or their relatives is a higher priority than picking the partner you already have/had.

I mean, those "marriage interviews" (I don't know if that's the right English term for it) are still very common and, unless you're using a matchmaking service, families tend to look for people that they either already have some sort of connection to or people who will bring better connections/opportunities for their family or their would be descendants.
Not saying that there's anything inherently right or wrong with the system, just that there are people who prefer to go along with that instead of going through the trouble of finding a partner themselves not knowing if things would even work out.
It's a whole thing really. It works for some and doesn't for others. Usually, the people involved pretty much decide very early on in those talks if they will get married or not.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I know the one sitting beside Cloud Retainer isn't Herta but I can't help but see Herta going gaga

joined Oct 4, 2018

Knowing her, she'll definitely tell Keqing embarrassing stories of her niece's childhood before giving them their well wishes while she chats their ears off XD

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ looks like voice control practice so that's very likely

joined Oct 4, 2018

They're finally living together.

Only took 11 years.

I... I didn't even realize that it's been that long since the first oneshot came out

joined Oct 4, 2018

Is it just me or does the art style here look a lot like Amano Shuninta's art style?

last edited at Dec 6, 2023 9:33AM

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ Can't blame her. She gets full view and access to Momo's abbs in that form

joined Oct 4, 2018

Say it isn't so! Why must this be a oneshot? Q~Q

last edited at Nov 24, 2023 7:55PM

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ probably muscle sores from over exertion

joined Oct 4, 2018

^ The original LN author even wrote a few spicy chapters featuring their dynamics. Anis is definitely the bottom

joined Oct 4, 2018

^^ I can only agree if you meant that as "they should have kissed on screen instead of leaving it as implied subtext via parallels at the end of the animated series"
KorrAsami is great stuff

joined Oct 4, 2018

I saw the title and then I saw the art and then the author and came straight here and saw this comment.

Kodama Naoko

Oh dear, here we go again.

I really can't say it any better than that