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joined Aug 2, 2020

I just hope it doesn't become ftnr. Q_Q

joined Aug 2, 2020

Why do I like Aoi's backstory more than the main story, I wonder.

joined Aug 2, 2020

This series never ceases to amaze me, even though the art style isn't exactly my cup of tea, so yeah, looking forward to the next chapter!

joined Aug 2, 2020

So, in the end we'll have resigned Koyuki x Maho on the left, and happy Kaede x Nanami on the right? (I really hope I end up wrong)

Well, we kind of know how one pair ends up, guess we'll have to see about the others. If things go as expected, I think Koyuki can get over it, as hers seems so sudden. Compared to Koyuki though, Maho seems to have had this crush for a longer time though, so might be more difficult to get over if things end up badly.

Yes, true. But the way everything is fitting so perfectly the holes in this predicable plot, color me impressed if the other two don't end up together for the silliest and predicable reason (e.g. teaming up to get their loved ones to notice them as a romantic option).

I don't even get bothered by clichés here and there, but really, Ohsawa isn't the best one with storytelling. Even resorting to clichés should be done with care... But since I chose to reread this manga, might as well see how things go till the very end.

joined Aug 2, 2020

So, in the end we'll have resigned Koyuki x Maho on the left, and happy Kaede x Nanami on the right? (I really hope I end up wrong)

joined Aug 2, 2020

I love how upbeat Kurumi acts trying to spoil her beloved Yoroizuka, but in the end she is the one being spoiled.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I've started rereading this series and yeah, Ohsawa isn't the best when it comes to storytelling. No wonder I dropped this before, and also did the same with Hello, Melancholic!.

Actually, I think I don't really like any of her works. lol I laugh, but it truly is a shame, because her art is good and the plots are somewhat interesting...

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

A fitting and meaningful ending imo. I enjoyed this.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I can't escape from that song. Not even here.

No one can. lol

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

Talking by experience, living in the same city as your significant other doesn't necessarily mean being close to them. Unless you decide to live together, we always have to consider things like living expenses, possible tuitions, etc. So, let's say, even if your significant other has the means to provide for you all, (part-time) jobs will be a reality, and it's not all sunshine and rainbows as media try to depict.

Depending on the path you're pursuing for your life, even living together may become a long-distance relationship. Sorry to break the bad news, but life itself is bittersweet, and I daresay more bitter than sweet.

This is all arguably true of real life, but kind of irrelevant to anticipating the plot of this particular manga series.

Looking at the narrative patterns of conflict and resolution that have been established over more than 100 chapters, it’s beyond unlikely that this story will end up with Nanoha and Chidori’s relationship crashing and burning or with the two them living physically in the same apartment but only barely truly existing within an emotional void, a harsh psychic desert laid waste by onerous jobs and grinding responsibilities.

I still predict a happy home with aprons and science babies.

Don't get me wrong, series like this brighten my day. I just made a comment on something I've seen in other mangas, like Can't Defy the Lonely Girl for example, books, and movies. I'm more into drama myself, though, so I'm not denying I'd like to see Nanoha and Chidori facing more "what about our future together?" kind of conflict.

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

Talking by experience, living in the same city as your significant other doesn't necessarily mean being close to them. Unless you decide to live together, we always have to consider things like living expenses, possible tuitions, etc. So, let's say, even if your significant other has the means to provide for you all, (part-time) jobs will be a reality, and it's not all sunshine and rainbows as media try to depict.

Depending on the path you're pursuing for your life, even living together may become a long-distance relationship. Sorry to break the bad news, but life itself is bittersweet, and I daresay more bitter than sweet.

joined Aug 2, 2020

After reading Walk to Death, I'm pretty sure Ryouko designed Prez to look like Aoya for some reason, uh.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I simply love how enticing Zanka's works are. Sometimes, less is more, even for NSFW doujinshis.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I binge-read this throughout the weekend and damn, I want more now. It's been a while since I last got this hooked in a manga.

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

I can't unsee the Flame Emperor (from Fire Emblem Three Houses) pfp in the live.

joined Aug 2, 2020

Anyways, let's wait and see. But I guess you may be right, disappointment seems to be on its way here. It's just a shame that in today's day and age authors keep resorting on mislabeling things and feelings just for the sake of a "romantic relationship", instead of trying to explore a new approach.

I mean, strong selection bias. While not every manga on this site is yuri romance (some aren't either), most are. If someone is doing a fully aromantic story, it's not likely to end up here.

Well, I think people got me wrong, because I don't remember saying I don't like romance. Actually, I have no problems with this at all, and I enjoy most of the romance comics I read (though I prefer dramas the most).

I just mentioned that going on for a change every now and then wouldn't be that bad.

joined Aug 2, 2020

Anyways, let's wait and see. But I guess you may be right, disappointment seems to be on its way here. It's just a shame that in today's day and age authors keep resorting on mislabeling things and feelings just for the sake of a "romantic relationship", instead of trying to explore a new approach.

It's about time we broke up with traditionalism, sheesh.

Be the change you want to see. Write a story that breaks with traditionalism and explores a new approach.

Already doing it. I just wanted to see other media doing the same for a change.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I have a hard time trying to understand romantic l love. So, on one hand, sure is refreshing seeing this kind of plot and terminologies being used in media; on the other hand, I'd be kinda disappointed if it turns out like the "ooops, I just didn't know I was in love with you before" kind of situation.

Well, brace yourself for disappointment. This is a genre story, and the genre is "romance". So they WILL fall for each other, the only question is how the process will work. As I've said before, in romance stories even the robots fall in love.

A romance not necessarily means a love story in literature, as far as I know. And I firmly believe that are many kinds of love in this world, not only the romantic one.

Anyways, let's wait and see. But I guess you may be right, disappointment seems to be on its way here. It's just a shame that in today's day and age authors keep resorting on mislabeling things and feelings just for the sake of a "romantic relationship", instead of trying to explore a new approach.

It's about time we broke up with traditionalism, sheesh.

joined Aug 2, 2020

I dunno if you're supposed to feel anything particular when being confessed to. The butterflies in your stomach is supposed to be sign that you're in love, not them.
Besides, at least for me, when I'm around my boyfriend I feel the exact opposite of that--calm and relaxed, not excited. Maybe I'm getting old, but at least for me that seems to be clearest sign of love.

I mean, there are many ways of anxiety and excitement, there aren't? Especially when you think you romantically love someone... At least that's what I think. In a way or another, I also think the way you feel towards your significant other varies from person to person, so...

joined Aug 2, 2020

I'm aro and ace, maybe in the grey area, but still aro and ace. I've been in long-term relationships before, and just recently I broke up with my ex, after two years together. I also had sex and intimate moments with a couple friends, both men and women, but what can I say? I don't feel like having sex all the time like a lot of people I know, and I also don't feel excited about finding someone to love.

When someone tells me they like me the romantic way, I don't feel excited or anxious, or putting it the cliché way, "feel the butterflies in my stomach." Sure, I have some sort of sex drive, but given the period I feel like that, I think it's pretty much more of a biological reflex/response than feeling aroused.

I have a hard time trying to understand romantic l love. So, on one hand, sure is refreshing seeing this kind of plot and terminologies being used in media; on the other hand, I'd be kinda disappointed if it turns out like the "ooops, I just didn't know I was in love with you before" kind of situation.

Best thing to do is to keep an eye on how the plot is going to develop. At the same time, I'm equally keeping an eye for any signs of this not being exactly what I was expecting of it.

joined Aug 2, 2020

Maybe I can try to ignore all this ABO omegaverse stuff, because the story is kinda nice. I wonder...

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

One thing I didn't really like about the new translation is the use of Japanese honorifics in a Korean comic. Like, totally out of place...

Ju Lilac
joined Aug 2, 2020

Lmao, I tried to pay attention to what was happening in the story, but I couldn't stop staring at the butler lady and seeing exactly Linhardt from Three Houses.

You are a person of culture, I see.

joined Aug 2, 2020

When you have a trauma related to abandonment/neglect/rejection of some kind, acting like Rin isn't that unusual. Is it healthy? No, of course not; codependency isn't a good thing at all.

I really can relate to Rin to some extent, and I've been in her shoes at least a couple times. Codependency is a vicious cycle, and unless you can build up a strong self esteem, you're pretty much bound to become even more dependant of the other party(ies).

I really don't condemn Rin. She probably has a big trusting issue, and since she grew so attached to Momoka, Rin took their friendship for granted and is using it as a safe haven. This wishy-washy behavior of Rin's shows she's trying to up to more people, but at the same time, she doesn't want to lose her "safety."

I just hope the two of them are able to sort this mess out, because both Rin and Momoka have their own issues to work on ASAP... And my take is that Rin deep inside loves Momoka, but she can't let go from her trauma and realize her feelings.

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 4:13PM

joined Aug 2, 2020

For those "complaining" about Ayu's new style:

We have a countryside girl leaving her hometown due to prejudice from her "friends," and she has no clue about how living in the big city works. I have acquaintances who are from the countryside and they have almost no clue about what's living in a big city at all, so this is kind of relatable.

For those "complaining" about the plot:

It's not like we don't have self-insert/metalanguage in other mangas, games and animes. We just needed an excuse for Ayu to be able to live in the big city and earn "honest" money (I won't say being an escort isn't an honest job, but I don't want to start a discussion about prostitution here).

As for me:

Damn, why does it have to punch me in the gut like this, with all the bullying stuff? I'm not going to dwell in my past, but damn, it was so relatable, even after 20 years since then. I think I'd be happy if a classmate stood up to "defend" me back in the day, even if it was purely to pity me...

Looking forward this one.