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joined Jun 21, 2021

So this has been licensed, under Viz's shojobeat imprint of all things. Yay for official english release

last edited at May 31, 2024 5:19PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Did they just start dating?

The secret meeting already feels kind of like a date

They're basically just a hop, a skip and half an accidental stumble-into-kiss moment away from moving in together

joined Jun 21, 2021

I fell into the same trap with Senpai's haircolor but i'm pleasantly surprised. Asumi and Senpai's hair are basically complementary colors, i bet they'd be complementary in other ways too ;3c

joined Jun 21, 2021

An absolute masterpiece of a collection of stories. Every one is a banger (heh getit). Spring Storm is prob my favorite

joined Jun 21, 2021


joined Jun 21, 2021

luinthoron posted:

Goddammit, guys, jumped the gun and ruined it all...

Yeah, a confession is not a party, is something very delicate between TWO people

That’s why I prefer to see this as a bunch of tropes crashing around—if we were to judge this by the ethics of everyday life, the whole gang is behaving inexcusably badly.

Not sure if you're being facetious but that's a little overblown towards the other side imo. Like, yea, it is a very insensitive faux pas she's right to be angry about. But it's also not like the gang's out here kicking puppies or anything, def not on the level of "inexcusably bad".

There is some room between "kind of a shitty thing to do" and "oh my god they might as well be a murderer" xD

last edited at May 21, 2024 4:30PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

This isn't super surprising to me, we always knew Miki was a bit of a siscon

Huh, I don't think I ever suspected that. Maybe I should reread the first chapters.

Yeah I always thought she was only fond of her sister, as a sister. Not a siscon, so I didn't see this coming myself.

Just to clarify, the term siscon doesn't have to have incestuous implications. It's also frequently used when a sibling is just a bit too focused/possessive/concerned/protective about their sister~ Miki fangirling over Aki fits that bill, though it's not as obvious as it could've been with a bit more previous screen time

joined Jun 21, 2021

This isn't super surprising to me, we always knew Miki was a bit of a siscon, the question is just whether it really extends into the romantic as well, or not. She could very well just be the "regular" kind of siscon who idolizes her sister and wants more/all of her attention, in a familial way.

Either way though i expected this development, Miki's laserfocus on her sister had to come up either way if she's to get a gf herself

joined Jun 21, 2021

I for one am still enjoying this manga and find the outrage frankly a tad overblown. I may not agree with the action of the characters or even find them likeable, but i can still appreciate the manga itself as a drama story~

joined Jun 21, 2021

a very pretty boy, that one. big gremlin energy

joined Jun 21, 2021

ah yes boobs, where magic is stored. It's true I can confirm my boobs are full of magical power

I do not doubt your words in the least, however, we should increase the sample group for more complete data. You know, for SCIENCE.

I concur and can confirm, my mana is also stored in the boobs

joined Jun 21, 2021

Looking for a story where one girl is genuinely dumb. Not like secretly smart but doesn't care, but genuinely a dumb person that you think needs their partner or would be figuratively and literally completely lost.

arguably, School Zone fits. lotsa absolute dumbasses in that one xD

joined Jun 21, 2021

Before, I didn't understand why many people said this series was Yukino and Yui following the yuri route, but when I watched the ED, I understood. Even the studio misunderstood it (or intentionally drew like those two characters for PR purposes), so it's understandable that those who haven't seen this manga think so. Showing 2 pictures of Yori and Himari in the first 10 seconds of the ED to people who haven't seen this series, I'm sure everyone will say it's Yukino and Yui.

Who ?

Google suggests it's probably these two from "My Teen Romantic Comedy"

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ugh, Mashiro's way too much of a good girl than is good for her.

I know she means well and all but there's absolutely no reason why she'd need to work so hard to win the approval of someone so undeserving of her efforts.

Should've just kicked the old hag to the curb like Makino no doubt would've wanted to. She already used all the influence to pressure them that she had, there'd be no negative consequences to cutting her out that haven't already happened.

last edited at May 1, 2024 5:03PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

This one prob could've used a few more pages at the end there, cute as it is

joined Jun 21, 2021

Toxic mom continues to be true to her name, of course it would've been too good to be true for her to just back off like that~

joined Jun 21, 2021

Yay for non-heteronormic, queerplatonic family units xD

joined Jun 21, 2021

editor: requests some changes
sensei: "hhhmmm is editor-san perhaps a lolicon? :0"
also sensei: "i always liked kids so getting to draw them lots in an unsightly fashion makes me happy."

takes one to know one i guess xD

Saki discussion 28 Apr 10:00
joined Jun 21, 2021

I can't believe it, is finally time for the captain match... The protagonist will be the protagonist again after all these years!

If we're real lucky we'll even get to see the end of it before the decade is over! :D

joined Jun 21, 2021

I don't have an issue with this per se, but how the hell did she recognize Nagisa? I'm going by manga logic with this one. In the first chapter, before the "transformation", she looked very different.

She was there for the fashion show they did at the school festival, they announced them with their full names, that's prob how

joined Jun 21, 2021

If the ahoge symbolizes perversion, then the prez has two in the back. Hmmmm...

ohhh, that's a cool theory

Yeah, I think her turning out to be the biggest pervert is a safe bet. They even mentioned she has her own notebook, just like Kaguhara.

She also looks a lot like the creepy silhouette at the Kaguhara home, not to mention her resemblance to Ririka. An older sister/cousin perhaps?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Oooooo an interloper! Okay, prediction time:

I'm guessinggggg, she's someone from the same middle school as Nagisa who admired her for being the serious model student and stuff. But now Nagisa looks all flashy, so the First year thinks it's Mashiro's bad influence leading Nagisa astray and tries to "pull her back to the right path". Or smth along those lines~

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 5:00AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

I recently got around to watching Revue Starlight and now i'm rereading all these doujins. They were already great before but now, finally,

joined Jun 21, 2021

This update came at the perfect time in the middle of my theatre yuri spree, many thanks

joined Jun 21, 2021

The Official English Release over on Tapas picked quite the brisk pace. With 36 chapters on launch and then 2 weekly they reached the finale of Season 1 last Thursday and Season 2 is already gonna start on the 25th.

Idk if they worked up a massive backlog before releasing or if they're just that fast working on those translations but they're def not wasting any time, dang