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sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

Hello everyone.
I'm looking for a yuri but I'm not sure if it's been written yet, or something similar to it.
It's about two best friends, one who's super distinguished in everything and another who's the main character, who've fallen for each other but don't reveal their feelings to each other. The main character is grateful to her best friend for teaching her what it means to believe in herself and in her ability to chart her own future; nothing matters more in the world to her than her best friend's happiness.

One day, the main character starts seeing random instances of the near future up to 8 monthsin advance (not premonitions, but actual cut-and-paste footage of her own - - and only her own - - waking experience) in her sleep. Encouraged by what she sees, she asks her best friend out and they become a couple. Based on what she sees in her dreams, she shapes up and adapts herself to be the best person she can be. But she soon starts seeing visions of herself that make her feel anxious, and she does everything she can to try and avert those futures. As it turns out, everything is self-consistent, and the act of trying to avert what she saw was precisely what led her to those unlikely scenarios in the first place.

Realising she could never change the future, she starts to feel more like a captive audience to her own life. Her visions start becoming more frequent, and she slowly starts to lose her grip on reality as she now finds it harder to discern what time/date she's in, not knowing how to deal with changes in her environment that have not yet come to pass. Increasingly, she becomes more paranoid as she struggles with trying to take back control of her life from a future her that is slowly spiraling down.

The fear of the future causes her to rethink their relationship, and although they are both still happy now, the main character becomes more anxious, ashamed at the person she's destined to become, and she begins to wonder if there really is a future for them both together at the rate things are going.

I'd like to know of anyone knows of yuri like that. My friend gave me the idea for it and I've been losing sleep over it for a few days now.

last edited at May 9, 2024 2:52PM

Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

This doujin has given me a bit to think about for a bedtime read. I've heard from a friend that it's not unheard of for couples in 'passion-driven' fields to end up in situations where they put off their relationship for similar reasons as those Junna presents: "I don't want to get in the way of your dreams", or "I don't feel like I match up to you yet", or "I think this isn't the time just yet." I think this would especially be the case if one's partner were someone you truly admired, both personally and professionally. The friendship one's partner has imparted on one teaches one how to be brave, as it were.

While this doujin presents the core issue fairly cutely -- and all's well that ends well, of course --, things would have taken a drastic turn for the worse had Junna not, or were she to never, score that leading role.

At the very beginning, one's feelings of low self-worth or insecurity prompt one to slowly break off contact. Perhaps parting might drive one towards their goals with a greater sense of urgency, as one aspires to be the sort of person they want themselves to be -- the sort of person they would be proud of showing to their loved ones.

Five years down the road, the burden of not having accomplished what you set out to do wears you down. You start to wonder what it's all been for, and perhaps you hope for things to go back to how they once were. But there is no such return, and perhaps the hypocrisy of your weakness shames you even further, turning whatever was left of your sparse correspondence into silence. And what once was a mixture of hope and fear now turns into dread and angst.

As time continues to pass, maybe one continues to struggle for their dreams, and maybe one succeeds. But to what end? That initial driving force is no more, and what you're left with is a veneer of self-satisfaction and professional dignity. You've taken your life in a brave new direction out of trepidation, and now you must see if you're able to live with it.

Or maybe one simply gives in and compromises with reality. Yet -- perhaps -- one may find this a bitter pill to swallow. A compromise with reality would invalidate all those years of hard work, all of one's aspirations, and the conviction one held when one made that initial decision to break away.

Whichever way it is, the courage with which one may face up to one's past decisions no longer remains. At the moment, one might even, like Nana -- a hapless bystander -- try to convince themselves that it was just a passing phase or fancy.

But ten years, twenty years, thirty years down the road, when the light of youthful ambition dies down, all that remains is the shadow of the person one once wanted to be, casting long down the boulevard of broken dreams.

last edited at Apr 15, 2024 10:16PM

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

i like trains

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021
sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

Does anyone remember the manga where the protag falls for her best friend? But her best friend is only friends with her because the protag's not romantically interested in her. The ending is pretty twisted and abrupt where the protag musters up the courage to confess to her friend, only to get shot down and have their bridges burnt completely.

Are we talking One shot or a serie? I think i remember a one shot like that.

It's a series

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

Does anyone remember the manga where the protag falls for her best friend? But her best friend is only friends with her because the protag's not romantically interested in her. The ending is pretty twisted and abrupt where the protag musters up the courage to confess to her friend, only to get shot down and have their bridges burnt completely.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 5:11PM

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

happy gay kiss

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

stellar stellar

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

kiss kiss fall in love <3

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021


sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021
sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021


sanshouowo Uploader
Matazoro. discussion 13 Feb 19:05
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

:( please be pamtient n generous
if u raise ur children this way, they will b full of resentment and disown u when ur old n feeble (my granny took my fourth aunt for granted) n they will mistreat u n be unsympathetic in ur time of need while rising costs of living n inflation wipe out ur savings n invest ments n u only live off 2 soda bimscuits n half a mug of coffre every day

but if ur not going to have children then its a-OK :) rock on peeps

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021


sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

last edited at Jan 10, 2023 11:44PM

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

"Taguchi-sen said that he intended this series to be a yuri work, but since it was run in Yuri Hime and primarily meant to be a comedy, he didn't feel the need to spell things out."

See that's what i thought.

gay by association

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

futari escaped :)

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021


sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

Wow thanks that's it

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

Does anyone remember the manga where the main characters meet GLAY?

Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

why they stop being friends? :(

wait wait.. are you saying we should be worried?

Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

why they stop being friends? :(

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

cute n gay

sanshouowo Uploader
Matazoro. discussion 31 Aug 02:09
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

KotoxMariya 4 life

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

cute n gay n happy n sad