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joined Aug 12, 2021

I do so love "it's mutual?" while Meiling stands there not being any factor in whether or not it is.

Also I love all the little details that are put into this, the Ayamomi 4Koma newspaper comic, Komachi breasting boobily, and Suika and Komachi just genuinely disgusted by Meiling's inability to pick up what Sakuya has been very forcefully putting down, secret god harassment scandal, page 7 the long awaited...

last edited at May 29, 2024 3:59PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

Oh hell yeah, I've been really loving this story on another site with what I suspect to be machine translation so good translation is really stepping this up to another level. Very much looking forward to seeing this in the text version of HD.

last edited at May 29, 2024 3:52PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

Mokou no! you can't just seduce Star Sapphire just because she looks like Kaguya!

Well... she has to let it out somewhere because a duel to the death just isn't the right moment to compliment someone.

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do really like that this battle royale realizes exactly the problem with a touhou battle royale which is that Yuyuko is kind of busted and would auto-win if not for a limit like they introduce here. that same limit then ends up serving a really cool role both because of Eirin's actions and how people think of Reimu's

joined Aug 12, 2021

For real though I hope he doesn't. She needs sanctuary but not from him. Man doesn't even properly take care of his existing daughters, and the older 2 need jobs so they can get by. The means just aren't there to take care of her. (I also don't know how to feel about him projecting his ex onto her.)

yeah like especially when his ex, both his exes were her age when he first got with them. Like I personally wouldn't want this guy near any high schooler lmao

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do like the "it's just normal right. That's how best friends act" I read it as that slightly sarcastic flirting. Like yeah this is just a normal thing to do hint hint.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Estella figuring things out immediately was a super cool twist. The dynamic between those three should be fun, especially with Serina and Estella both trying to dodge "bad endings".

The equivalent exchange is unfortunately the gyaru is as dense as a neutron star.

yeah two out of the three people here know what's up, and it's not the one flirting with both other girls.

joined Aug 12, 2021

"younger brothers just automatically get to call their older sisters "jiejie"?" lesbianism off the charsts lmao

joined Aug 12, 2021

Jeez, while it's not like I can't understand why Suzu hates her sister that sure is some thorough jealousy born from never being properly explained why she has to carry the family's name and why it's not just about Lily being blind.

Hell I'd wager that exactly because she keeps excelling in her studies and work, that her father wants to marry her to someone ever better. It sucks for her because obviously with the abilities we're being told she has she'd just be inheriting the family business if she wasn't a woman. But being a woman in this timeperiod (and let's be honest sometimes still in modern day) your abilities are only ever subject to making a better bride out of you.

last edited at May 4, 2024 6:37AM

joined Aug 12, 2021

anyone ever try turning into a monster so they don't have to get married to a man and would get to stay with their girl crush, me neither but I'd imagine it would go a little like this lmao.

Also given that Mari spends a year unconscious I'd wager that her engagement probably fell in the water (man... do proverbs not translate...) she'd at least get to stay, but after that... it's currently left up to the imagination. But who knows considering we seem to be following the little guy maybe we'll get to hear if Mari got her happy ending after all.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Flandre gets around, damn. Also love watching Remilia push for Toutetsu because a demon lord is what's attractive to her.

Also Also Flandre plays Hakurei Reimu in the gensokyo TTRPG.... Girl is living the protag life.

last edited at May 1, 2024 12:55PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

I really love the epilogue as well, just a quick confirmation that they don't just get to love eachother but Mary becomes the head of her family, and Snow officially stays by her side as her assistant. They just get to be happy together for the rest of their lives.

joined Aug 12, 2021

She's gonna have a bad surprise if she thinks Makino is being "tricked" and that "revealing" Mashiro's job will make them break up, but I have a feeling that Makino will come out on top, simply from the fact that for all her scumminess, she's genuine and honest.

"That woman works as a prostitute!"

"Yeah, I know."

"We've met through it."

"I've payed her with the money you gave me."

Imagine if Makino gets over her final hangups about having a girlfriend who does sexwork because of this. Just like "I'm no longer jealous about letting other women pay to have sex with you if it means I can get one over on my shitty mom"

joined Aug 12, 2021

Katsumata watching anno blow up the entire toilet room "hell yeah, no way a disturbance this big won't push our unreasonable deadlines back by at least a week"

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do love this series and it's very funny to see this guy cry his eyes out because he watched a movie about a one-sided love and all it can remind him off is the exact relationship he has with Hibiki. I'm not normally meanspirited but lol, lmao even. Shoulda know better my guy.

joined Aug 12, 2021

had to re-read this one because it's been uh years, but that always ends up being a good thing because who doesn't like reading yuri here lmao.

Love Bullet discussion 13 Apr 12:36
joined Aug 12, 2021

yeah, while I'll go along with whatever the story decides. It does feel like letting Aki just figure it out on her own without a cupid pushing her along would be the best option. She's clearly very loved and we're told that in past years she just hid herself at home. She's doing better and starting to move on, so just let her do so on her own.

last edited at Apr 13, 2024 12:37PM

Flavorful discussion 08 Apr 17:09
joined Aug 12, 2021

"mwah, I stamped it we can start the trial tomorrow, right?"

well, ma'am if you don't mind we'll need a second signature. to deposit on the lips thank you and a pleasure doing business

joined Aug 12, 2021

You know what I'll give this april fools prank points for truly ridiculous amounts of effort.

Good job

joined Aug 12, 2021

God yeah this is really fucking depressing. Once both of them have lost the ability to speak and Seiran now has to take care of Ringo but can't really and they both just live in a dump until Reisen comes along to take care of them.

last edited at Mar 31, 2024 8:38AM

joined Aug 12, 2021

and there's the end for Tianli, she's just not going to get what she wants and she needed to understand that. her relationship with Xingyuan is over now, they were best friends once, they could have been more, but now they're not. Xingyuan truly just wanted never to hear from this again and as understandable as Tianli's drive to rekindle their relationship is, that want has to come from two directions and Xingyuan wants to leave it behind.

And the kindest thing, the only thing Tianli can do for her as the person who was once her best friend is to accept that.

AUGH this series is so fucking good!!!!!. It's just banger chapter with banger lines one after the other! Genuinely this is going to end up being a ten out of ten favorite if it keeps up the quality which I have no reason to believe it won't, lmao.

last edited at Mar 25, 2024 6:36AM

joined Aug 12, 2021

It's a good thing they live in a universe where this stuff actually kills them because like, jumping in front of a train is kind of remarkably unreliable and can really fuck you over if you survive because like you still got hit by a train.

But yeah there's no way this is just the end for Kinka, though if it was then it would be really interesting to see what Kazura does from hereonout because there's no way she's just going to stay alive alone.

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do like self-blackmailing "please keep this secret you were already going to keep" plots. And fake dating into real dating is always fun.

joined Aug 12, 2021

You're not going to let her stay here again? Bold words for a yuri manga (and like yes I know its still subtext right now but lets be real here)

last edited at Mar 8, 2024 8:58PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

I mean the answer here very clearly is that Komachi just needs to stay near Satsuki because she can "clear" the death energy that stacks up on people near Komachi.

Honestly though, Komachi going "oh no she'll hate me because I cause death to happen" is for me a slight miss. Like it makes sense given how she thinks about herself but the in my opinion much better direction to go in would have been Komachi thinking "she'll always save the people I bring closer to death but also she just jumped out of the fourth floor of a building to hit a billboard so it wouldn't hit me. That's SO dangerous, I don't want her to DIE for me"

That way we would have had a better opposition because it would have been Satsuki's "I'll always save you" Vs Komachi's "please stop doing that for your own good"