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joined Dec 22, 2021

I am guessing the correct way to deal with the curse and solve the time travel plot is for Elsa and Yvonne to split the curse between them.

joined Dec 22, 2021

Ah, the old, something said when we were children was misinterpreted into a rejection,
and i refuses to consider the option that things have changed in the last 5 plus years.

joined Dec 22, 2021

As expected the transformation was corrupted,

And so Utena was brought down by the consequence of her own actions.

joined Dec 22, 2021

Poor Watanabe, I guess Yoshioka's friends where too high energy for her.

joined Dec 22, 2021

Normally i hate these rival sub plots.

But in this case there has been no progress between the two girls and seeing Yuzu being confessed to is what started the manga, so a rival might be what is needed for Yuzu to realize her Feelings.

joined Dec 22, 2021

Grown up Faye looks good

joined Dec 22, 2021

Throws confetti!

joined Dec 22, 2021

Indirect confessing is progress I guess

joined Dec 22, 2021

A second volume?,
I thought chapter 12 was the end of the manga.

joined Dec 22, 2021

Future Elsa is having way to much fun teasing Yvonne

joined Dec 22, 2021

After Sayaka talks about "what the rate is for a voice actress of your position is", and then offers five hundred thousand yen.

I am surprised the MC did not ask if she had the wrong person.
Since she makes more from a retail job.

joined Dec 22, 2021

I wonder why Future Elsa did not stop the demon king from showing up.
Unless turning him into a Loli is part of her plan to get current Elsa and Yvonne's happy ending

joined Dec 22, 2021

So the protagonist, while half blind, did not recognise the emperor and just thought it was a random woman as she called her Jeijei, which i google tells me is a term for an older female friend basically calling them big sister.
Is that right?

joined Dec 22, 2021

Well, looks likes it's time for Evie to meet the Family.

last edited at Aug 22, 2022 5:05AM

joined Dec 22, 2021

"Your secondary sex typing still hasn't manifested itself?"

what is a secondary sex typing?

She is already an Alpha so is that referring to male/female?

joined Dec 22, 2021

Huh, I wonder if Yvonne and Elsa already have the 'wings of the heart' or if it will be a later reveal to show how far their relationship has progressed.