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joined Feb 11, 2022

There is still a chance they are simply changing the order of events and will come back to the stuff they skipped later on.

Though even if they do this, it will probably be only at the end. Next episode will cover chapter 25, and the bet happens right after. It would be weird to have Himari and Yori go on a happy date between that and the festival since Yori is meant to be super worried during that time. So it would have to be after that.

Their bet takes place in Chapter 22, unless you mean when Shiho made Himari become their manager.

Also, assuming the last 4 episodes don't slow down or go back to adapt the skipped stuff and keep adapting half a volume each, the anime would end... in chapter 34. Which would be an awkward cutting point to say the least.

By their current pace it would be past that mark for sure. Today's episode adapted four chapters and, like I said, the next one will adapt five more.

If they do intend to squeeze the entire arc into the last 6, I think the pacing would be a mess unless they have a real creative vision. There's fat they could cut but most of the time series will just skip events with seemingly no real consideration or thought.

The fact that, despite all the stuggles the studio is having, lately they have been skipping both the OP and the ED is a pretty bad sign regarding this, as it's obvious that they are trying to cram in as much content as possible. Something that, I think, would not be necessary if their intention was to adapt just up to the Summer Festival.

I do hope I'm wrong, of course.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Regarding the adaptation: Quality issues aside, it's way too rushed. They'll adapt five chapters (an entire volume, basically) in the next episode (up to Chapter 25), for example.

It's kind of funny, since I originally thought they were going to adapt only Himari and Yori's Arc (with Shiho's introduction as a cliffhanger), then, after the first couple of episodes, up to the bet between Aki and Shiho (which will happen in the next episode), and then up to the Summer Festival (Chapters 31/32). But if they go beyond that point (which seems likely now), I guess they might adapt the whole Arc, which I hope won't happen, as that would be very unsatisfying.

last edited at May 25, 2024 6:31PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

After chapter 69, I think I'm just really tired of this storyline. I want to go back to Hime. Kanoko has drained all of the love I felt for this manga.

Well, everything suggests that we are about to start a new Arc (I would say focused on Hime). The only problem is that it's going to be a while before we get a new chapter, since the author took this month to rest and apparently the next one as well (and it's not because a new volume is going to be released).

joined Feb 11, 2022

Uh why would anyone think that Miki has a crush on Shiho?

Well, it is more of a wish than anything else, since no one with a healthy mind would prefer the other option. In any case, Miki's issue with Aki will most likely not be romantic. At least not in a literal sense.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Well, that was certainly unexpected (at least to me).
If it weren't for the fact that it's her own sister we are talking about, I would have no doubt that the last few pages imply that she likes Aki.
If we rule that out (I certainly hope that's the case), a second option would be that she has a crush on Shiho (Edit: I have just read the chapter in English and now this seems very unlikely), which would also be pretty strange since I don't remember seeing them interact or even Miki mentioning her (I'm sure she did, but nothing relevant). Still, I wouldn't dislike it, to be honest.

A third option would be some trauma related to her old boyfriend (which she mentioned to Hima at the beginning of the series). Although, being a manga where men basically don't exist, I doubt the author wants to put too much emphasis on anything related to him. Maybe Miki lied, and she never even had a boyfriend to begin with? Maybe it's just that she feels more lonely and "left behind" now that Aki has found a partner?

Another option would be that the author came out with this out of nowhere to extend the series, of course.

In any case, I hope Shiho plays an active role again in this Arc, helping Aki with whatever problem Miki is facing.

Edit 2: In the anime, they replaced the mention of Miki's boyfriend with a "partner" instead. Interesting.

This isn't super surprising to me, we always knew Miki was a bit of a siscon

Huh, I don't think I ever suspected that. Maybe I should reread the first chapters.

last edited at May 20, 2024 6:43PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

And I think it would be worst for Shiho’s mental health to be around Aki without any assurance that the latter will not fall in love with someone else. Being in a relationship will require Aki to only focus on Shiho and making Aki fall for her, which is the goal of both girls anyway.

I disagree with this. I don't want to rewrite things that I have already mentioned before mainly because you have probably already read them, but in my opinion no hope is better than false hope in this situation, considering Shiho's state of emotional fragility. Starting to date someone with that condition without knowing if you will end up having genuine romantic feelings is simply irresponsible.

I was rooting for Aki/Shiho to happen, but, as someone else said, I just wasn't satisfied with the way it happened.

last edited at May 9, 2024 4:31PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

So I’ve been reading the comments that I missed from the time I put this manga on hold (only started to catch up when I heard AkiShiho finally reconciled). And I’ve been so proud of you for standing up for Shiho everytime there’s a new chapter when Shiho haters were domination the discussions. I actually like Shiho too, but I cannot deny that she was a bitch, that’s actually why I like her, she is a very transparent character and she made this manga so interesting. However this comment of yours this time made no fucking sense, and I’m thinking you like Shiho to the point that you ignore and even blamed Shiho’s “victims” for whatever is happening to Shiho right now (which are not even bad because Shiho is happy right now). I can’t believe you’re blaming Aki, of all people, when she is on top of the list of the people that did nothing wrong here. Aki is actually making an effort to love Shiho because Shiho only gave her two choices (love me or let me go), what is wrong with that? It’s obviously what Shiho wants too.

Well, I may have gone a little too far with my words back then, but I still think Aki could have made better decisions after the festival. No matter how I look at it, asking Shiho out immediately after without having romantic feelings for her seems like a mistake to me.

I understand that the author wanted to give closure to that plot, but Aki should have tried to search for answers little by little and without giving Shiho hope from the beginning like she did. As I wrote, they even go to the same school. She would have had plenty of opportunities to spend time with her anyway. Not to mention that Shiho made it clear that she still liked her and that she had no intention of them being just friends, so Aki didn't even need to take an active stance, since there was no risk of losing her in the short term at all.

I really like Aki too and I'm aware that she has the best intentions, but I believe her decision was hasty, unnecessary and selfish (she prioritized her desire to not lose Shiho as a friend over her mental well-being).

joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 68: I've never liked Kanoko, but I have to admit that she's starting to grow on me. She has been through a lot during this long Arc, and I can't wait to reread it once it's finished, as her character development has been remarkable.

I can't deny I'm biased towards this series, but I genuinely think it's the most underrated Yuri manga ever.

joined Feb 11, 2022

much better animation-wise

Really? I didn't notice any remarkable improvement. I mean, this one was outsourced as well, so I wasn't expecting anything to begin with.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Just finished watching ep 3, the quality has dropped alarmingly low. I hope the next eps will improve, but as if ep 3, the situation is not good at all

It was completely outsourced to a small studio, so a drop in quality was inevitable. And it won't be the last time it happens.
Considering how successful the manga is, I expected a much better adaptation than the ones that Yuri is My Job! and Villaines had, but it seems that won't be the case.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Volume 12(Chapter 57-61) is out in English. There's a nice extra chapter in which Hime talks with Mitsuki about not knowing what's going on with Kanoko.

The extra chapters are also being fan translated. I'm just telling you in case you didn't know, because Chapter 61.5 has been available in English for months.

I was skimming through Volume 10 and this part of Chapter 51 caught my attention, when Kanoko asks Sumika to start dating:

Fan translation: "Please go out with me. Please become my lover, and end your hate for romance."

Official: "Please go out with me. Please be my girlfriend... So I can stop hating romance."

I noticed that, too. That seems to be another pronoun-based mistranslation.

Kodansha already fixed this mistake, by the way. The new version of Volume 10 is out and has the correct translation of that dialogue ("Please be my girlfriend... So you can stop hating romance").

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 10:06PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

Nice chapter. At least Shiho acknowledged that Aki was too carefree with her proposal.

joined Feb 11, 2022

That's not the official English translation. JP will often have an English translation or alternative title/sub-title of their own but that doesn't always carry over.

Some of them even have wrong translations, like in Kimi ga Shinu Made Koi wo Shitai's case: The English translation shown on the Japanese covers is "My Wish is Fall in Love Until You Die". There have been 7 volumes released so far and they haven't added the missing "to" yet. By the way, the manga has been localized by Kodansha and its official English title will be "I Want to Love You Till Your Dying Day". Hopefully it'll have an anime adaptation someday as well.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I’m just praying to all gay gods that Yuri Is My Job, stops fallowing in the footsteps of this manga, cuz good god I’m sick of Kanoko.

I mean, we can discuss it in more depth in the respective thread of the series, but it seems like an inaccurate comparison to me (spoilers up to Volume 13): I assume you are referring to the relationship between Kanoko and Sumika? If that's the case, well, I dislike her too, but it can't be denied that the author has dedicated a lot of time to said couple (as of today, even more than to the "main" one) and, more importantly, has distributed it equally between both members, contrary to what happens here, where Shiho was in the spotlight almost exclusively compared to Aki, which contributes to why her decision to try to start dating her seems unsatisfactory and hasty to me.

The vibe I get is that Aki used to regard Shiho akin to a little sister she wanted to take care of, and only started seeing her in a different light when Shiho confessed to her, post-fallout.

And that's my main issue, that she didn't take the time to better organize her thoughts and analyze the situation. It seems to me that it was the perfect time to let that couple rest for a while and focus on other things instead of making them start dating right away.
Perhaps another solution would have been for the author to dedicate more time to Aki during the Arc, although that would have made it even longer.

joined Feb 11, 2022

If something is clear with this chapter (in case there was any doubt about it), is that this thread would have half the pages (probably less, I'm being generous) if it weren't for Shiho's appearance in the manga, which would surely have already ended by now (whether those two things are positive or not is another discussion).

I'd call Kanoko the deuteragonist or perhaps tritagonist- one of the top 4 main characters but not necessarily the top- since Kanoko mainly seems to react to events rather than driving the plot herself.

I would say that was the case in the first half of the series, but from Volume 9 onwards (when her and Sumika's Arc begins, and we are currently in Volume 14) the roles have been reversed regarding Hime and Yano, who have become "secondary" characters of the story (the latter in particular, who has lost all kinds of prominence since then). Kanoko has been much more active and has become the character responsible for driving the plot forward with her decisions and actions (Sumika has also had a key role).

Either way, I have to say that, in my opinion, the relevance of the two "couples" is much better distributed throughout the chapters than what happens with Hima/Yori and Aki/Shiho in Whispering.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 11:09PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

From the Booklet (Chapter 44.5): "I'm so relieved I was able to safely finish drawing this lengthy school festival arc. From now on, I'm gonna draw all kinds of stories with the spotlight on YoriHima, AkiShiho and all the other characters."

joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 67: After the somewhat ambiguous ending of the last chapter, I'm glad that we now know for sure that we're about to reach one of the most important moments in the series. I can't wait to see Hime's reaction to the confession and see how she will handle the situation afterwards.

I also wonder what will happen to Yano and what her role will be in everything to come.

joined Feb 11, 2022

That's perfectly fine. After that the ball is in Aki's court and she decides what she wants: she wants a date and afterwards, she wants to try dating Shiho. She's making her own decisions based on her own thoughts, on her own timeline and they're both communicating. That's perfectly healthy.

Don't you really think Aki could have handled the situation a little better? I thought we agreed that she carried out things too quickly, given the context. I don't know, I just believed Aki was emotionally mature enough to do better than this.

joined Feb 11, 2022

bruh, shiho brought that to herself through her own actions, she gave the ultimatum to aki at the festival. Aki took the blame for everything shiho did and apologized even tho she literally did nothign wrong, now after shiho pretty much forced a confession out of her, she acts insulted? even tho this is literally what she asked for?. What the actual fuck dude? what is aki supossed to do, how much more does she has to bend over backwards to satisfy shiho

Let's focus on the events after the festival. Aki was the first to initiate contact, and no less than to invite her to a meeting where she asked her if she would like them to start dating.
I understand that Aki has doubts about what kind of feelings she has for Shiho. That's perfectly normal. What I'm saying is that she should have tried to search for answers little by little and without giving Shiho hope from the beginning like she clumsily did. Last time I checked, they go to the same school. It's not like they live in separate towns or something like that.

I know you hate Shiho, but put yourself in her shoes for a second and imagine what she must be feeling right now, "dating" someone she loves deeply and who may or may not reciprocate her love at some point. That's not healthy. And it's Aki's fault.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Can you really blame her for thinking that if she didn´t reciprocates shiho´s feelings on the spot she would just regress and cut her of her life again, heck even after the festival ended shiho confidently said to aki that she wouldn´t accept her previous relationship since she wanted more.

If shiho had any growth during this whole arc i´d be more incline to see aki´s decistion as rash but she didn´t, like at all. Shiho started as someone that would throw away the things she supposedly loved the moment things didn´t went her way, i.e. violin and her love for aki, and on the climax of this arc as always she was ready to throw away her first love without even trying. The only reason the story didn´t end with shiho alone again was cuz hima literally drag her so aki could do all the development

Basically, no hope is better than false hope.

Aki unnecessarily prioritized her desire to not lose Shiho as a friend over her (Shiho's) mental well-being.
Aki knows that Shiho likes (in present tense) her. She could have examinated whether her feelings for Shiho are romantic in any way or not without involving her so directly. How long ago did the festival end? A couple of days? Aki already invited her on a date and to start dating formally, but not without clarifying (after the proposal, by the way) that she currently does not have a romantic attraction for her. Do you think this is fine, given the conext of these two characters? Not to mention that Aki knows Shiho better than anyone. She is perfectly aware of her volatile personality, her insecurities and her fragile ego. Aki is a well-intentioned person, of course, but her actions and decisions are immature and inexcusable this time around. Did you see the state Shiho was in the last pages of the chapter? Do you think is fine to ask for a kiss out of desperation?

In summary: Aki herself got into a labyrinth in which she only has two options: Either reciprocate Shiho's feelings, or lose her relationship with her forever.

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 6:19PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

To be clear, I like Shiho as a character and was rooting for AkiShiho to happen. I just wasn't happy with the way it happened. Not that I wanted the author to drag out this arc any further, but it would've been nice to see a few more chapters of the cast living their life (maybe start a new arc) while AkiShiho's repaired friendship simmered in the background before they got together.

I'm only quoting this part but I completely agree with everything you wrote. After Chapter 44, once the festival was finally over, it was the perfect opportunity to focus on other characters for a while (like Aki's sister and her senpai, perhaps) for a while and put Aki and Shiho's relationship on hold, so that both of them can sort their feelings in a more natural way instead of this rushed development. Something like what happened in Yuri is My Job! with Hime and Yano after Volume 7, for example.

Shiho doesn't deserve to be in this uncomfortable and uncertain situation. It's entirely Aki's fault, and this time she has no excuse.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I mean, we all know that everything will work out given the nature of the series, but I still think it's a much delicate situation than most people here think, considering the context. We are not talking about two people who have just met (like it happened with Hima and Yori). If Aki doesn't end up having romantic feelings towards her, Shiho would suffer a tremendous second blow (and much harder than the first) from Aki, with the difference that now she is fully aware of what Shiho feels and everything she has suffered because of her unrequited love. Aki just put herself in a situation where she almost necessarily has to reciprocate those feelings now...

joined Feb 11, 2022

But that's not really what she's saying there, which is why it's portrayed as wholesome.

What do you mean? That's clearly what she's saying (or implying, I guess): Aki values her and their friendship so much that she's willing to go so far as to start dating Shiho in order to not lose her again.

"I don't have romantic feelings towards you, but I don't want to be apart from you."

We can see it as something wholesome because of the gorgeous art and because we know that Aki is a great person with no bad intentions, but it's a dangerous game to play, especially when on the other side is such a mentally fragile person.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Shiho acting on impulse about something Aki have no way of knowning ?

I mean being frustrated with the situation. Feeling like there's a connection between the two and manage to be happy again with someone after Kyou's death only for Aki to end up falling in love with a random girl Shiho didn't even know about.

The build up should be fun though and it'll make the kiss that much more meaningful, whenever Aki does decide to initiate it. It's a smart way to give the audience half of what they want, with the promise of the rest later. Gives her more stuff to work with moving forward.

Which should mean that the series still has a couple of volumes left, since, as you said, it's implied that there will be a kiss, but Aki has to develop romantic feelings for Shiho first.

joined Feb 11, 2022

One was a cool mysterious tomboy with a good voice, the other was an insufferable girl who just seem to hate her (with a good voice). I don't know if the statement is ironic or you genuinly think that Aki would fall for Shiho before they speak things out.

As Giftnova said, I was referring to the time when they played together in the band. Not only did they have great chemistry and were very close, but Shiho is arguably the most attractive character in the series.

She had everything back then to make Aki fall in love with her, but yeah, "the heart wants what the heart wants". I can definitely understand why Shiho started acting the way she did after that.