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joined Feb 17, 2022

I just want to appreciate that the friend they ended the last chapter on was not a love triangle target but someone with more emotional intelligence than Umezono and Wakaba combined.

joined Feb 17, 2022

I quite like these two but honestly. I might've preferred a slice of life of their childhoods together. The idea of Wakaba being Komaki's only friend while she consistently challenges her to random bouts would've been very cute if a bit generic.

The current dynamic feels tense in general. It's like Wakaba wants something but the only way she feels she can demand something of Komaki is if she wins against her. I have no idea if Komaki wants Wakaba to submit or to win and knock her down a peg. I for one, am looking forward to where this manga goes, but it might pull some generic shenanigans considering a new challenger approaches

joined Feb 17, 2022

I came here to be sad and relieved that they managed to confess to each other and I read the damn stinkiest takes I have ever seen in relation to this work

As a tip for next time, transient and ephemeral mean something that won't last for along time, "were" is the past tense, and if a character has a terminal illness they're limited time is usually significant to the story

joined Feb 17, 2022

Are we only going to get Arthur fists from Yuzu and that's the extent of her inner characterization?

joined Feb 17, 2022

As much as there is something of a plot these last few chapters, I'm not surprised the formula of intro ch then sex ch is still going on. I mean really, did any of expect that she wouldn't fuck everyone in that picture before we got any answers?

joined Feb 17, 2022

Yes, Risa. Go get a big-tittied gf so I can satisfy my need for romantic progress. I would be fine if Risa at least, got someone to contrast how much of a mess Hiroko and Ayaka are right now

joined Feb 17, 2022

Sasuga Magia Baiser-sama, bringing yuri to fruition. Oh and the new magical girls as well that's also cool
I'm a bit antsy because I want more info on Vena's larger plan now and it would be interesting to see the White mascot and the standard magical girls interact with the Shio-chans

joined Feb 17, 2022

Shouldn't this latest chapter have Coming out and Gyaru tags since Sara just admitted she was dating Yuu and she's usually tagged as as Gyaru?

joined Feb 17, 2022

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

Right... It takes balls to fizzle drama and tension...

Unironically yes actually, it does take some balls to choose an ending where everyone is happy and discard certain plot points and character directions. It also takes skill to write through the drama of writing how each person would grapple with the idea of sharing, especially when this looks more like Natori's harem than a poly.

I just relate to the prince so hard right now seeing someone observe those small blushes and moods in the story makes them stronger to me

joined Feb 17, 2022

Wait, how is any of this going to end then?

The battle of the bands was to get Shiho to confess why she left the band and now she did. It feels weird because it's likely Aki's band will win but where's the payoff there? As much as I like Lorelei, they (specifically Shiho) took up too much of the spotlight and now, the climax doesn't seem to hold any water since Shiho already confessed.

I'm just confused as a writer, even if I like Shiho committing and actually telling her feelings this chapter

joined Feb 17, 2022

Thankfully we're done with the arc where Minami misinterprets everything

Now, we see Yuzu clearly clinging to Minami when they get caught being intimate. Hopefully she becomes more willing to express love