Forum › Posts by isseixkoneko

joined Oct 26, 2023

What the hell lol, mutual rapist? Confusion.

joined Oct 26, 2023

Any Yuri where the person is literally turned gay? Like magically, Isekai type shit or something where suddenly this girl is gay now and is aware that she wasn't gay before but because of the higher power of whatever happened is being lead down a gay path and can't fight the power and gives in and just lives like that?

joined Oct 26, 2023

Looking for a story where one girl is genuinely dumb. Not like secretly smart but doesn't care, but genuinely a dumb person that you think needs their partner or would be figuratively and literally completely lost.

joined Oct 26, 2023

I’ve read most everything wholesome I can find. I hate love triangles and just really want fluff. You have no way of knowing what I’ve read, and it’s too vast to list. Just recommend any fluffy gay romance. This site or others. Maybe someone will hit on something I haven’t read.

joined Oct 26, 2023

anything that isn't annoying(you know the common manga tropes: communicating like children, thrown in love triangles, drawn out drama etc)

joined Oct 26, 2023

Any lesser known manga where relationships are revealed positively? I enjoy things like the one girl now hangs out in the other girls friend group because they are openly together or the love interest is introduced to the parents or sister or brother.

Not sure it's lesser known, since it was on Mangadex's top series for a few weeks, but I rarely hear many people talking about Oshi no Bishoujo ni Kokuhaku sareru Hanashi, and it fits the bill. First chapter confession, they immediately come out to friends and classmates, and the more standoffish girl quickly becomes part of her GF's friend group, as well as making her own gyaru friends.

And it's not a manga, but Love and Be Loved on Webtoons also fits this to a T. The series centers around a geek x jock couple, and their friend group. The jock girl pretty quickly introduces her GF into her friend group, and she soon becomes part of the gang. I think it's really great.

Love and Be Loved was awesome read all that there is so far yesterday.

joined Oct 26, 2023

Any lesser known manga where relationships are revealed positively? I enjoy things like the one girl now hangs out in the other girls friend group because they are openly together or the love interest is introduced to the parents or sister or brother.