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joined Dec 20, 2018

Welcome to the wonderful world of arab spam:

Hello, sorry to bother, but people are starting shit in My Dear Lass again. It only just started, but considering how messed up it got the last time, I figured it was better to speak up to you guys sooner than later.

Hey, one last thing. Please delete my account, I just can't deal with the petty shit anymore, it ruins damn near every thread I enjoy. Thank you for the eight years here I enjoyed (mostly as a lurker), but I really don't see things getting better anytime soon, and I just want to cut ties cleanly at this point.

joined Jun 10, 2018

Hey! I’d like to request a username change. Could any of you change it to “Starlight_G” whenever possible?

joined Feb 22, 2019

Chapter 25 and 26 of A Love Letter For The Marching Puppy are swapped, so the final chapter comes before the second to last chapter. Can a mod please fix this? It can (and likely has already) spoil the ending of the story for readers.

joined Nov 6, 2018

The Cat Ear Maid & the Young Lady is just different translations of chapters of Cat Maid and Mistress.

last edited at Nov 28, 2023 2:41AM

joined Jun 20, 2019

Spam, in the fake "so-and-so said" line.

please delete this account. will be replying w my other accounts so they can be deleted too.

please delete this account. will be replying w my other accounts so they can be deleted too.


please delete this account. will be replying w my other accounts so they can be deleted too.



joined Nov 8, 2017

Wasn't there a "heart/symbol eyes" tag or something like that at some point? Was it removed or do I just not remember the wording well enough to find it again?

joined Jul 22, 2023

Hello, if they haven't been already suggested (and shot down/forgotten) I'd like to put forward a couple of tags we could benefit from:
Aquarium [visit] - aquariums as setting for dates seem to be a rather well-established yuri topos (as TctyaDDK already pointed out a while back);
Kissing practice (or variations thereof) - pretty self-explanatory, pops up from time to time.

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 11:00AM

joined Jul 22, 2023

Can image/chapter duplicates of dubious utility/quality be taken down-- or, more accurately, can we request they be taken down?

If the answer is "yes", I'd ask for this to be deleted for the reasons expressed by users in its comments...

joined Nov 8, 2017

Can we have a seiyuu joke tag?

Also, some time ago Sankaku Channel decided to remove the links to the original posts from their site, so if I submited duplicate upload requests, hopefully this is why

joined Nov 8, 2017

Can we have a seiyuu joke tag?

Also, some time ago Sankaku Channel decided to remove the links to the original posts from their site, so if I submited duplicate upload requests, hopefully this is why

joined Aug 2, 2023
joined Nov 8, 2017

Can someone please add couple tags to MahoAko posts?

joined Aug 2, 2023

Just found these lil' buggers: and (probably sockpuppets of the same spammer.)

Besides being active in the same thread, they both are promoting casino games (and I don't mean Gacha), in one case as a faux quote.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Can we please have a Kronii x Kronii tag? We have a Haachama x Haato one after all.

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